
gives your soul a voice and
accompanies you with your life issues.
Do you need an independent listener?

Touching the soul

Maria is the mediator between the worlds and
helps you to connect with your soul
and the spiritual world.


Get your own personal soul music.
Maria makes herself and her voice
as a mediator.

soul sound space

to a very special sound space.
Blessings and love have been
incorporated into the handmade
woollen blankets and the self-made
furniture mad of ash wood.

energy medicine

Maintain your health and activate
your self-haling powers.
Solutions can be found in your luminous body.

Qi Gong

Special events and courses will help you,
to find new energy and inner balance.
Qi Gong helps to maintain health.

travel to the universe

Read the book of life and
look into your past, present and future.
Be ready for miracles!

Energy kitchen

Learn the alchemy of the kitchen and
strengthen your health,
support your individual constitution and
experience completely new flavours.


A warm welcome

I am Maria and I am delighted that you have found your way to me. Here everything revolves around the voice, energy, Ayurveda and physical, mental and spiritual health.

With my expertise as a singing teacher, sound artist, Ayurveda cook, Qi Gong course instructor and energy medicine practitioner, I support you in raising your voice and giving voice. You will learn to listen to your inner voice, to perceive the voice of the other world, the universe, nature and Mother Earth. You will learn how to better understand the voice of your soul and how to make your voice and your body resonate and vibrate.

Everything is vibration and energy. Frequencies and resonances surround us. Make use of them.

Let yourself be carried away into the world of Ayurveda, energy and the voice. Learn to perceive yourself and your environment in a completely new and different way.

You will find here

Remember - you carry the spark of truth, wisdom and freedom within you.

– Maria Käser-Aunkofer

About me

Maria Käser-Aunkofer

I would like to share with you my deep connection to nature, the other world and ancient knowledge from the great wisdom teachings such as Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Celtic Shamanism.

My experience and deepest conviction is that the healer we become ourselves and the further we penetrate to our soul, the healer the world becomes.

I am a singer, sound artist, Ayurveda cook, energy medicine practitioner, Qi Gong course leader and mediator between the worlds. I give souls a voice and travel through energy fields to support people with their issues.

My very special gift is my voice. I use my voice to connect worlds. I support people in opening their minds and consciousness.

I would also like to give you my hand and accompany you into a world full of miracles.

Do you want to know more about me?

In my blog I write about my life, my personal and professional experiences, disappointments, living through various illnesses, obstacles, hardships and the insights I have gained from them. Enjoy reading!


from Maria The voice | Sacred places


from Maria The voice | Love and power in Cornwall

Latest news

NEU – Reise zum ICH mit Ayurveda

A journey to the ME with Ayurveda just for you alone. Let yourself be pampered and recharge your batteries. For more well-being of body, soul and spirit.

The CD "Love from and for Mother Earth" is here

Reconnection to Mother Earth, to nature and to all that is.

My cookery book is here

On 64 pages you will travel with me through the seasons with Ayurvedic accompaniment.

Energy offers

Themed cooking day Chinese cuisine 15.02.25

Lass uns gemeinsam traditionelles chinesische Essen am Themenkochtag Chinesische Küche 15.02.25 zubereiten. Bring mehr Energie in Deinen Körper, Seele und Geist.

Journey to the ME with Ayurveda

A journey to the ME with Ayurveda just for you alone. Let yourself be pampered and recharge your batteries. For more well-being of body, soul and spirit.

Intensive training Akashic Records

With the intensive Akashic Chronicle training you will learn to reconnect with the cosmos and nature, to better perceive yourself and your surroundings.

Munay-Ki – 9 Einweihungen

The Munay-Ki are the code for an inner transformation. Letting go of fears and the power of unconditional love - Munay-Ki!

4 days Hui Chun Gong in Höllbachtal - September

4 days of Hui Chun Gong in the Höllbach valley.
Experience rejuvenating Qi Gong in the midst of nature.

4 Tage Hui Chun Gong im Höllbachtal – Mai

4 Tage Hui Chung Gong im Höllbachtal.
Experience rejuvenating Qi Gong in the midst of nature.

What I offer you


Every soul has its own special sound. I will take you on a sound journey to your inner self. Experience a completely different way of connecting with your soul.

energy medicine

Energy medicine can create a state of balance between body, soul and spirit, reduce symptoms of illness and identify the cause of diseases.

Qi Gong

Qi Gong is part of traditional Chinese medicine and is used to maintain a healthy and long life.

Energy kitchen

Cooking and eating is so much more than just preparing and consuming food. Ancient wisdom teachings understand food as medicine and not just as a filler for the body.

Browse recipes and blog articles

Oatmeal chocolate cake with mango coconut yoghurt (without sugar)

Haferschokoküchlein mit Mangokokosjoghurt (ohne Zucker) gehen schnell und verwöhnen den Gaumen. Ideal, wenn kurzfristig Gäste vor der Tür stehen...

Ayurveda burger gluten-free

Ayurveda kennt keine Grenzen und kann auf jedes Gericht angewendet werden. Der Ayurveda Burger glutenfrei vereint die Grundsätze des Ayurveda

Vegetarian raclette according to Ayurveda

Raclette zu welcher Jahreszeit? Vegetarisches Raclette nach dem Ayurveda mögen wir am Liebsten im Sommer. Da wir uns saisonal ernähren, ist die Auswahl im Sommer von größerer Vielfalt als im Winter. Außerdem ist es ein Genuß, draußen zu sitzen in angenehmer...

Asian cucumber salad

The Asian cucumber salad is a special kind of flavour experience. Experience an explosion of flavour with just a few ingredients.

Roasted potatoes with colourful vegetables and soy dip

Colourful variety on the plate. A rich meal for all the senses. A cheat sheet for food intolerances.

Tomato jalapeno ragout

For me, sweet and sour tomatoes epitomise the summer of my childhood. We always had an abundance of home-grown tomatoes. The whole garden smelled of the incomparable aroma of the tomato plant.

Apple celery soup with roasted fennel

This soup contains all the Ayurvedic flavours: sweet, sour, salty, hot, bitter and tart. Do you know which of the ingredients belongs to which flavour? Try it out and enjoy this harmonious soup.

Baked pumpkin with date fig sauce

Savour the sweetness of life. Get in the mood for the end of the year with this pumpkin dish. Enjoy the peace and quiet, go into retreat and introspection. Connect with Mother Earth. This meal nourishes your lower 3 flames and gives you a sense of security.


Chapati are an ideal accompaniment to an Ayurvedic meal or in the evening with a warming soup to reduce VATA.

rocket herb pasta

If you're in a hurry, this simple but very tasty recipe is ideal. If you have rocket and herbs growing in your own garden - bring them on!

Shanghai im Winter 2025

Ist Shanghai im Winter eine Reise wert? Auf jeden Fall. Shanghai und vor allem seine Außenbezirke warten von Modern bis Historisch mit einigem auf.

Peking im Winter 2025

Ist Peking im Winter eine Reise wert? Auf jeden Fall. Peking hat sehr viel zu bieten und im Winter sind die Sehenswürdigkeiten nicht überlaufen.

Winter solstice 21 Dec - The birth of light

Die Wintersonnenwende 21.12. - Die Geburt des Lichts. Neuanfang, Vorbereiten, Planen! Heiße das Licht mit einem Ritual willkommen!

Celtic annual festival - Samhain 31.10./01.11.

The Celtic annual festival of Samhain is all about rest and regeneration. Here are a few suggestions on how you can make the most of the festival.

The dark night of the soul - transformation and rebirth

The dark night of the soul refers to a period of intense inner challenges, transformation and spiritual awakening.

Traditional Chinese cuisine (without glutamate)

Traditional Chinese cuisine is as diverse as the country it comes from. It cannot be reduced to Peking duck, fried noodles and sweet and sour pork.

Musical meditation journey into the dragon land of King Arthur

A meditative journey to magical places, carried by song and harp.

The CD "Love from and for Mother Earth" is here

Reconnection to Mother Earth, to nature and to all that is.

Food intolerances and solutions

My personal experience with food intolerances and what solutions are available.

Thoughts on femininity and masculinity

What exactly is femininity and masculinity? You can find my thoughts in this blog post.

Friends and companions

Together we are strong!

We humans need social contact, companionship and mutual affection. I consider myself lucky to have wonderful people in my life. We support each other on our journey through life.

Get to know my friends and companions with their very own gifts and talents. Perhaps one or the other will also become your companion.

Watch videos

Seelengesang Dover Castle

Soul song Dover Castle August 2022

Der Seelengesang in Dover Castle im August 2022 diente zur Heilung des Ortes und vor allem den dort verwundeten und verstorbenen Soldaten.

Maria mit Ghee

Ghee - the gold of Ayurvedic cuisine

Ghee is highly valued in Ayurveda. In the Panchakarma cure, medicinal ghee cooked with herbs is an important component in the detoxification process.

Maria Interview Seelengesang

Moving song of the soul - Interview

For Maria, soul singing is a special and personalised form of singing. It has become an integral part of her counselling sessions. These uniquely sung notes express the story of each person in a musical way.