Musical meditation journey into the dragon land of King Arthur

by | Jun 12, 2024 | 0 comments

Maria Die Stimme
Maria Die Stimme

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Shanghai im Winter 2025

Ist Shanghai im Winter eine Reise wert? Auf jeden Fall. Shanghai und vor allem seine Außenbezirke warten von Modern bis Historisch mit einigem auf.

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The winds of change blow particularly strongly in autumn. You can find a grounding exercise here.

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Lass uns gemeinsam traditionelles chinesische Essen am Themenkochtag Chinesische Küche 15.02.25 zubereiten. Bring mehr Energie in Deinen Körper, Seele und Geist.

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With the intensive Akashic Chronicle training you will learn to reconnect with the cosmos and nature, to better perceive yourself and your surroundings.

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Experience rejuvenating Qi Gong in the midst of nature.

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4 Tage Hui Chung Gong im Höllbachtal.
Experience rejuvenating Qi Gong in the midst of nature.


Every soul has its own special sound. I will take you on a sound journey to your inner self. Experience a completely different way of connecting with your soul.

Qi Gong

Qi Gong is part of traditional Chinese medicine and is used to maintain a healthy and long life.

energy medicine

Energy medicine can create a state of balance between body, soul and spirit and reduce the symptoms of illness.

Energy kitchen

Cooking and eating is so much more than just preparing and consuming food. Ancient wisdom teachings understand food as medicine and not just as a filler for the body.

Who is King Arthur?

King Arthur is a legendary figure who is the subject of many legends. One of these legends is based in Tintagel/Cornwall. Arthur is said to have been conceived here at Tintagel Castle.
Arthur is an archetype and reflects the longing for a healthy masculinity. His heroism, brotherly and loyal companionship with his knights is reflected in many stories and film adaptations. The dragon is the power symbol of Arthur and his line of origin ‘Pendragon’. The dragon symbolises power, magic and enchantment.

Musical meditation journey to Tintagel, King Arthur and his companions

On my first visit to Tintagel Castle, I had an intense reincarnation experience and I was overwhelmed by memories, so I had to leave the island first because I couldn't stand it. I then intensively studied the energies, the history and the magic of the place and put my memories together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. I connected with the energies and places and, together with harpist Claudia Neumaier, created the following meditative musical journey with its accompanying stories and information.

What is so special about Tintagel?

Anyone who has ever visited the town on the north coast of Cornwall can hardly escape its magic, beauty and special energy. Of course, a lot is done here to boost the tourism industry and the locals sometimes feel like it's Disneyland. But if you consciously connect with the place and listen to your soul, you can feel the ancient wisdom and magic of the place.

Follow the sounds of Tintagel and the old myths and legends!

Igraine's complaint

Look out over the vast land. Look into the endless expanse from the battlements of the lonely castle and lament with Igraine over her fate. As if to say: ‘Everything was voluntary. And yet: now it's hard. I knew that one day I would pay for my wishes."

Igraine helps you to look at your shadows. You will be rewarded by becoming bright and clear. Don't judge, be gentle with yourself. Look at the shadows, they belong to you!

St. Nectans Glen

Enjoy lolling, singing and dancing under the waterfall. Playing with the fairies and nymphs by the rushing water. Savouring the joy of having experienced something beautiful, great and meaningful. The knowledge of having achieved something, of having experienced an initiation.

St Nectans Glen gets deep under your skin. It touches the heart. It helps to complete an inner journey. It is initiation, reward and joy. The dance with the spirits and your spiritual team. It helps you enter the Otherworld. Support in the connection and certainty that everything is connected. To be enraptured by the world!


Soldiers marching across the countryside; or is it the farmer on his way to market?

Go forwards and push forwards. Listen to your inner voice. What does it want to tell you?


The sweeping view from the island across the bay. Gallos sings the song of power! "Look at me! I am big and strong and mighty. That's how I want to be seen."

Gallos helps you to recognise your inner strength and power. Strengthen your own power! Chains are broken, walls (of the heart) break down!

Bodmin Mor

A light and dancing melody. Moor should actually sound different, we thought. But maybe that's just how Moor sounds. That remains to be explored; or had a door opened to another world after all - to the dwarves?

Let your soul fly and explore the universe. Bodmin Mor connects you with the supernatural.

Viviane in Merlins Cave

The fairy Viviane laments her lost love under the blossoming hawthorn, or is it perhaps something completely different? Are the two perhaps happily united in the magical realm of love?

Invite magic into your life, Viviane will help you. Feel love and the connection to all that is. Heaviness and lightness as polarity. Live yin and yang, light and shadow, femininity and masculinity. Magic, magic, magic! Magic! Fairy dust and dragon glitter.


Glittering and sparkling! The power of magic! The facets of power! The dragon is no longer associated with ‘evil’, because that's not what it is. It is ‘only’ mighty and powerful. You only fear what you don't know!

Let your roots grow into the earth and spread your wings. Make a connection - as above so below! Everything is possible! Everything is as it should be. Dragon power brings you security and freedom.


Love, love, love! Simply lovely, virginal.

Feel the lightness, the butterflies in your stomach, see the sparks fly, feel the togetherness and the community, live harmony and unity.

Receive your own personal soul song

Would you like to know what your soul has to tell you? Book your personalised soul song now. Music as individual as you are!


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Shanghai im Winter 2025

Ist Shanghai im Winter eine Reise wert? Auf jeden Fall. Shanghai und vor allem seine Außenbezirke warten von Modern bis Historisch mit einigem auf.

Peking im Winter 2025

Ist Peking im Winter eine Reise wert? Auf jeden Fall. Peking hat sehr viel zu bieten und im Winter sind die Sehenswürdigkeiten nicht überlaufen.

Winter solstice 21 Dec - The birth of light

Die Wintersonnenwende 21.12. - Die Geburt des Lichts. Neuanfang, Vorbereiten, Planen! Heiße das Licht mit einem Ritual willkommen!

Celtic annual festival - Samhain 31.10./01.11.

The Celtic annual festival of Samhain is all about rest and regeneration. Here are a few suggestions on how you can make the most of the festival.

The dark night of the soul - transformation and rebirth

The dark night of the soul refers to a period of intense inner challenges, transformation and spiritual awakening.

Traditional Chinese cuisine (without glutamate)

Traditional Chinese cuisine is as diverse as the country it comes from. It cannot be reduced to Peking duck, fried noodles and sweet and sour pork.

The CD "Love from and for Mother Earth" is here

Reconnection to Mother Earth, to nature and to all that is.

Food intolerances and solutions

My personal experience with food intolerances and what solutions are available.

Thoughts on femininity and masculinity

What exactly is femininity and masculinity? You can find my thoughts in this blog post.

Preventing depression in autumn

The winds of change blow particularly strongly in autumn. You can find a grounding exercise here.

Themed cooking day Chinese cuisine 15.02.25

Lass uns gemeinsam traditionelles chinesische Essen am Themenkochtag Chinesische Küche 15.02.25 zubereiten. Bring mehr Energie in Deinen Körper, Seele und Geist.

Journey to the ME with Ayurveda

A journey to the ME with Ayurveda just for you alone. Let yourself be pampered and recharge your batteries. For more well-being of body, soul and spirit.

Intensive training Akashic Records

With the intensive Akashic Chronicle training you will learn to reconnect with the cosmos and nature, to better perceive yourself and your surroundings.

Munay-Ki – 9 Einweihungen

The Munay-Ki are the code for an inner transformation. Letting go of fears and the power of unconditional love - Munay-Ki!

4 days Hui Chun Gong in Höllbachtal - September

4 days of Hui Chun Gong in the Höllbach valley.
Experience rejuvenating Qi Gong in the midst of nature.

4 Tage Hui Chun Gong im Höllbachtal – Mai

4 Tage Hui Chung Gong im Höllbachtal.
Experience rejuvenating Qi Gong in the midst of nature.

Here you will find an overview of all articles


Every soul has its own special sound. I will take you on a sound journey to your inner self. Experience a completely different way of connecting with your soul.

Qi Gong

Qi Gong is part of traditional Chinese medicine and is used to maintain a healthy and long life.

energy medicine

Energy medicine can create a state of balance between body, soul and spirit, reduce symptoms of illness and identify the cause of diseases.

Energy kitchen

Cooking and eating is so much more than just preparing and consuming food. Ancient wisdom teachings understand food as medicine and not just as a filler for the body.