What does freedom mean for you, for us, for the world?

by | Jan 13, 2024 | 0 comments

Maria Die Stimme
Maria Die Stimme

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Written on September 09, 2020

As some of you know, the topic of "freedom" is an important aspect of my life's journey. Last year, I started a series of lectures on this topic, which is unfortunately on pause at the moment.
Especially in times we are in now the topic "beeing free" is more present than ever. Over the last few weeks, I have also became more aware of a few things.

My biggest motivation

One of my main motivations that led me to new paths was to finally be free from all external constraints!

Now I realise that I didn't even know what "being free" meant back then!

It's not just about "external" freedom (e.g. work, relationships, society, etc.), but above all about inner freedom! It's about freeing the inner people who are locked away - in dungeons, behind thick walls or even in gilded cages. But unfortunately, it's not as simple as simply walking up, opening the doors and saying: "You are free".

The fear of freedom

Imagine a prison inmate who has been locked up for decades and is suddenly released. There are many reports about people who can no longer find their way in life afterwards. They don't even know what freedom is. They can't handle their freedom!
Or a bird whose door is suddenly opened and it remains sitting inside.
Fear is spreading for what is lurking outside. I'd rather sit and do what my master says or be locked up in prison again, where I'm told what I have to do and when I can eat! It's much easier that way!

The definition of freedom

Everyone defines freedom differently. For me, it means freeing myself from all self-imposed and externally imposed constraints, shedding all masks and roles and being completely myself. To reconcile with my inner person and inner children. To take them by the hand and guide them out of their cages.

Just like the bird in the cage and the prison inmate, we all need a supporting hand to get to freedom. The bird should be slowly and lovingly acclimatised to the "outside". The prison inmate should be taken by the hand and shown what life is like.

Loving companions

I consider myself very lucky to have so many people supporting me on my path to freedom. My beloved husband, friends, teachers and healers.
I am particularly grateful for the guidance of my power animals, spirits and divine guidance, which only ever bring me as many challenges as I can handle.

Are you ready for freedom?

For me, it was and still is a rocky road, but it's getting easier and easier, and there are only a few hurdles that are really tough.

It is an indescribable feeling to let go of all the masks you have been taught and imposed!

If you are ready to go into freedom, I am happy to stand by your side!


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The dark night of the soul - transformation and rebirth

The dark night of the soul refers to a period of intense inner challenges, transformation and spiritual awakening.

Traditional Chinese cuisine (without glutamate)

Traditional Chinese cuisine is as diverse as the country it comes from. It cannot be reduced to Peking duck, fried noodles and sweet and sour pork.

Musical meditation journey into the dragon land of King Arthur

A meditative journey to magical places, carried by song and harp.

The CD "Love from and for Mother Earth" is here

Reconnection to Mother Earth, to nature and to all that is.

Food intolerances and solutions

My personal experience with food intolerances and what solutions are available.

Thoughts on femininity and masculinity

What exactly is femininity and masculinity? You can find my thoughts in this blog post.

Preventing depression in autumn

The winds of change blow particularly strongly in autumn. You can find a grounding exercise here.

Courage for truth and freedom

Recognising the truth can often be very painful, but it frees you immensely. I would like to share my experiences on my journey to inner freedom with you in this article.

Diagnosis of anxiety and the self-experiment

Be ready for miracles! If you take responsibility for your body, strengthen your self-healing powers and, above all, have faith in yourself and All That Is, anything is possible!

My thoughts on recognising and discovering

We are in a time of change. Much is becoming visible. Much is being discovered and revealed!

Here you will find an overview of all articles

energy medicine

Energy medicine can create a state of balance between body, soul and spirit, reduce symptoms of illness and identify the cause of diseases.