Interwoven in the annual cycle

Everything lives, grows and changes
according to the cosmic laws
of our annual cycle.

Rituals connect you with your roots

Rituals in the annual cycle help you,
to reconnect with yourself, the beings of nature
and the Otherworld.

Cultivating community

Eating together strengthens cohesion
and is an important part of our lives.
We always start our annual festivals with
a meal together.

The wheel of life as a solution

The wheel of life shows the whole
solutions for you personally
and gives impulses for your next steps.

The rhythm of nature

The circle is one of the oldest symbols of all. The Celts also honoured this symbol as very sacred. They wove themselves into the circle of life.

We are integrated into the annual cycle and are subject to the rhythms of nature. Unfortunately, the special qualities of the seasons have been lost to us over the centuries in the pursuit of ever further, faster, higher!

The rhythm of life

Our whole life is made up of rhythms and cycles!













Reflecting on these cycles also brings us back to a greater understanding of life itself.

Annual festivals

The Celtic/Germanic festivals were adopted after Christianisation and can be found in Catholic holidays in particular.

Even as a child I loved the festivals and always had the inner urge to make a ritual out of them, without knowing what it really meant.

Since 2017, we have been celebrating the annual festivals with Celtic shamanic rituals and special mindfulness. Sometimes together with larger groups, preferably with small groups and at certain festivals just my husband and I.

Each festival has its own special and unique energy. The ritual fire is unique each time and helps us to transform issues and bring new things into the world.

Hallo Maria,
zuerst möchte ich mich bei Dir bedanken für den schönen Abend. Das Abendessen war sehr gut. Auch die stimmungsvolle Atmosphäre in den beiden Häusern war sehr angenehm. Die Auswirkung vom Feuerritual kam erst am nächsten Tag, welche positiv war.
Besten Dank auch für den Newsletter. Einen Tag bevor der Newsletter kam hatte ich Laddu-Bällchen gemacht, das fand ich lustig.
Nun wünsche auch ich Dir eine schöne Zeit in der Hoffung, dass wir uns bald wieder sehen.

Alles Gute


The Celtic wheel of life

The Wheel of Life is an effective tool for analysing various life issues. With its help, you can determine where you currently stand and why certain points in your life may not be developing the way you would like them to.
The Wheel of Life shows you personalised solutions and provides impulses for the next steps.

Dear Maria,

Vielen Dank für deine Einführung ins Lebensrad.
Ich durfte die Wichtigkeit von Rhythmen und Ritualen für einen harmonischen Lebensablauf erkennen.
Du hast mir in meiner aktuellen beruflichen Orientierung die Möglichkeiten aufgezeigt, zur richtigen Zeit die für mich richtigen Entscheidungen zu treffen.
Es war ein intensives und sehr kurzweiliges Seminar, bei dem auch das Essen stimmig passte.

Ich empfehle Jedem dein Seminar der wissen möchte, wo er im Leben und in bestimmten Themen steht.

Viele liebe Grüße bis zum nächsten Ma


Constellation seminar

What is the Wheel of Life and how does it work?

Living to the rhythm of the wheel of life

Helping people to help themselves

Professional support when looking at your own life theme in the wheel of life

If the weather is fine, the seminar will mainly take place outdoors.

The programme is available for a minimum of 3 participants.

Duration approx. 4 hours.

Annual cycle festival

Join us and celebrate together in a cosy and energetic atmosphere.

You decide at the end of the evening whether and/or how much you want to put in our treasure chest.

Constellation seminar

Look at your life issues in the wheel of life and find help to help yourself.

€ 180,00
from 3 participants

energy medicine

Find out more about energy medicine and the different tools.


Stay informed and find out more about life, health and new recipes.


14 + 6 =

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