Melitta Thorn – Medium

Melitta Thorn – Medium

Melitta Thorn

feels called,
to do people a service.

Our history

I met Melitta in a clothes shop in Regensburg in the summer of 2022. We were truly brought together.

I don't particularly like shopping. But as I had planned my trip to England and needed a few more comfortable items of clothing, I had no other choice. After visiting a few shops in the old town, I had almost given up. One last look in Untere Bachgasse and I felt drawn to a small shop and its colourful display. I entered the shop "Volare" and met the owner Bea. We immediately hit it off. I started to try a few things when a lady came into the shop and also started to sample.

We gave each other advice, laughed, drank champagne and snacked on chocolate.

My champagne and chocolate partner introduced herself as Melitta, a medium from America who had just taken a cruise on the Danube. We didn't stop at champagne and chocolate. We met for tea, I showed her a bit of Regensburg and sang in St Nicholas' Church. She also told me that she was literally drawn into this shop.

And that was the beginning of a very special and deep friendship that no great ocean can separate.

Melitta is an exceptionally open, warm-hearted and loving person. It is very worthwhile getting to know her.

Melitta Thorn

Was born and grew up in Austria. She speaks fluent German and English.

From an early age, she had a special knowledge and was aware that there was more than the human eye could see. The abilities of clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience became stronger and stronger as she grew older. She always had an open, curious mind.

The door opened for her in February 2020 when she attended a workshop in Savannah, GA. She was shocked to discover she was very accurate clairvoyant and her gift as a medium was revealed. Her fourth psychic sense, clairvoyance, was fully revealed.

She loves to give workshops to show people that we are all psychic and can do things beyond our wildest dreams!

She feels called to be of service to people.

Her spiritual guide Star Bright has played an important role in the development of trance healing and trance speaking. Connecting with divine source is an incredible experience and she is humbled and awed every time there is a connection and loved ones are brought together.

She is the instrument and is here to serve.




Get your own personal soul music.
Maria makes herself and her voice
as a mediator.

Places and their soul

Places have a lot to tell and carry
wounds just like us humans.
Maria connects with places and gives
support to heal the place.

Sacred places

Maria tells with her singing the
charactersitics of sacred places.
The music is created by the sacred place and is full of emotion,
feelings and the soul of the sacred place.
You can find out more in the blog.

Music is an expression of the soul

Every soul has its own special sound. I will take you on a sound journey to your inner self. Experience a completely different way of connecting with your soul.
Everything is vibrating and full of sound. The wind, the river, the earth, the animals, nature itself and, of course, us humans. There are now many scientific experiments and studies on the effectiveness of sounds and frequencies on our body, psyche and mind.

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.

– Nikola Tesla

Every illness is a musical problem and the cure is a musical resolution.

– Novalis

Where language ends, music begins

– Friedrich Nietzsche

Music alone is the world language and does not need to be translated, as soul speaks to soul.

- Berthold Auerbach

My path to the song of the soul


Music is an

expression of the soul

I have been singing since my early childhood. I gained my first experience in choirs before developing into a soloist and training my bright soprano voice with various singing teachers from Salzburg to Nuremberg. My vocal training has always been a part of my personal development. For me, music has always been the expression of my soul.

In spring 2019, I was unexpectedly given a wonderful gift that I would never have expected. I was able to discover my gift of soul singing, connect with people and places and transform their vibration into voice. I developed this gift further in England.

I now use my musical talent to make you vibrate so that you can unfold your full vocal and spiritual potential.

Beim Seelengesang wird die Seele nicht mit Worten, Metaphern oder Bildern beschrieben, sondern mit Musik. Das Erlebnis lässt sich schlecht in Worte fassen; und genau das macht es auch so Besonders. Es ist so anders, präziser, so zutreffender als alles je Erlebte und ermöglichte es mir, einen Blick aus einem ganz anderen Blickwinkel auf mein Innerstes zu werfen.

Tina W.

Maria’s soul song is the representation of the soul itself and the hidden emotions we usually long to feel and express. The session was fantastic and it allowed me to go on a soul journey through the music she sang with her blessed voice. The melody was a beautiful way to express messages my soul wanted me to know at the moment I took the session and after the song, Maria interpreted it for me. Her words gave me a lot of comfort and it also validated the experience I was having and helped me understand the visions I got during the session. Being able to hear what my soul wanted me to know was a way to bring me back to my path and trust that I am being guided. I listen to the recording whenever I feel out of balance, to center and bring back the vision I am building for my life while enjoying the present. There is so much joy and magic Maria brings through her. This is an opportunity everyone should experience as it provides healing and gives you a sense of appreciation of life and the experiences it can bring while also helping you experience a new version of you.


The soul singing procedure

This can be done online or in person in my sound room

Attunement and connection with the soul, obtaining consent

Soul singing - a recording is made according to your wishes.

"Reading" of the song, debriefing and conclusion



€ 50 €
per half hour or part thereof

energy medicine

Find out more about energy medicine and the different tools.


Stay informed and find out more about life, health and new recipes.


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healing kitchen

Listen to your inner voice

to listen to the voice of the plants and ingredients!

Listen to your inner voice

Your body and your soul have a lot to tell you!

Listen to your inner voice

Culinary sounds touch your soul!

Nourishment for body, soul and spirit

Cooking and eating is so much more than just preparing and consuming food. Ancient wisdom teachings understand food as medicine and not just as a filler for the body. This ancient knowledge flows into my recipes, my personalised consultations and, of course, into my cooking and my food.

I invite you to get to know "food" and the "spirit of plants" anew, to listen to your inner voice and to discover it as YOUR personal remedy.

Book the cookery studio for any occasion

Cooking together is fun and promotes friendship and co-operation. A meeting with friends, a meal with colleagues or other celebrations. Let's spend a happy day in the cooking studio, try out new flavours, look forward to a lively exchange and, above all, enjoy each other and the food!

You decide how and under which theme you want to spend time in the cookery studio. Send me your enquiry and we'll coordinate.

My kitchen sound

My cookery studio not only cooks food according to Ayurvedic philosophy, but also produces herbal waters, tinctures, green cosmetics and much more.

The cuisine is international. There is everything from Bavarian to Chinese cuisine, always combined with the spirit of Ayurveda.

Curious? Then take a look at my Recipe page !

In particular, it's about listening to your inner voice, which tells you exactly what you need to stay and/or become healthy. I will support you in this!

Dear Maria,
du hast ein Stück weit mein Leben verändert – zumindest in der Cuisine 😉 Ich würde mich als durchschnittliche Köchin bezeichnen. Ich kenne viel mehr Gewürze als Salz und Pfeffer, aber oft nehme ich mir nicht die Zeit, um Neues auszuprobieren. Mit dir hingegen macht das Kochen und das Entdecken neuer Geschmacksrichtungen richtig Spaß! Überraschenderweise ist der Aufwand relativ gering und mit nur einigen Gewürzen mehr in meiner Küche, kann ich jetzt schnell und einfach super leckere Dinge wie Chutney’s zaubern. Vorher dachte ich, das wäre voll kompliziert oder schmeckt nicht so gut, aber mit schwarzen Senfsamen ist es einfach nur genial. Auch deine Tipps für meine Ernährung sind so leicht in meinen Alltag zu integrieren und ich habe sofort einen deutlichen Unterschied gemerkt – mehr Energie, eine strahlende Haut, kein Sodbrennen und einen flachen Bauch. Und dabei schmeckt es einfach nur lecker! Danke für deine Impulse und die Leichtigkeit, mit der du dein Wissen vermittelst. Man spürt, dass du Ayurveda lebst und liebst. Ich freue mich schon auf weitere kulinarische Abenteuer!





With Ayurveda to more balance in life, physical health and harmony with body, soul and spirit.

Plant hydrosol

Plant waters or plant hydrolates have been produced for centuries and have fallen into oblivion.

Green cosmetics

Our nature is full of valuable treasures. Our skin is happy about the naturalness we feed it.

Oatmeal chocolate cake with mango coconut yoghurt (without sugar)

Haferschokoküchlein mit Mangokokosjoghurt (ohne Zucker) gehen schnell und verwöhnen den Gaumen. Ideal, wenn kurzfristig Gäste vor der Tür stehen...

Ayurveda burger gluten-free

Ayurveda kennt keine Grenzen und kann auf jedes Gericht angewendet werden. Der Ayurveda Burger glutenfrei vereint die Grundsätze des Ayurveda

Vegetarian raclette according to Ayurveda

Raclette zu welcher Jahreszeit? Vegetarisches Raclette nach dem Ayurveda mögen wir am Liebsten im Sommer. Da wir uns saisonal ernähren, ist die Auswahl im Sommer von größerer Vielfalt als im Winter. Außerdem ist es ein Genuß, draußen zu sitzen in angenehmer...

Asian cucumber salad

The Asian cucumber salad is a special kind of flavour experience. Experience an explosion of flavour with just a few ingredients.

Roasted potatoes with colourful vegetables and soy dip

Colourful variety on the plate. A rich meal for all the senses. A cheat sheet for food intolerances.

Tomato jalapeno ragout

For me, sweet and sour tomatoes epitomise the summer of my childhood. We always had an abundance of home-grown tomatoes. The whole garden smelled of the incomparable aroma of the tomato plant.

Apple celery soup with roasted fennel

This soup contains all the Ayurvedic flavours: sweet, sour, salty, hot, bitter and tart. Do you know which of the ingredients belongs to which flavour? Try it out and enjoy this harmonious soup.

Baked pumpkin with date fig sauce

Savour the sweetness of life. Get in the mood for the end of the year with this pumpkin dish. Enjoy the peace and quiet, go into retreat and introspection. Connect with Mother Earth. This meal nourishes your lower 3 flames and gives you a sense of security.


Chapati are an ideal accompaniment to an Ayurvedic meal or in the evening with a warming soup to reduce VATA.

rocket herb pasta

If you're in a hurry, this simple but very tasty recipe is ideal. If you have rocket and herbs growing in your own garden - bring them on!


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Intensivkurs Akasha-Chronik

Intensive course Akashic Records

Intensive course Akashic Records

Learn to read for yourself and other beings in the Akashic Records and the field of the universe.

Intensive course Akashic Records

The ability to connect with the Otherworld, the Akashic Records and the universe has been lost over the centuries. We are all woven into the great web of worlds, the Wyrd.

With this intensive Akashic Records course you will learn to reconnect, to better perceive yourself and your surroundings and to receive answers to your questions.

Contents of the 2-day intensive Akashic Records course

Further development of your intuitive skills

Increasing the vibration of the luminous body

Personal development

Release energetic shackles and blockages

Strengthening your own perception

Find answers to your questions, in every area

Communication with your soul, with animals and plants

Read the field of the universe for yourself and other beings

Das Seminar war von A bis Z sehr strukturiert und toll organisiert. Zeitlich wurde alles ausreichend abgedeckt und es blieben keine Fragen offen. Du hast viel Geduld und ein sehr gutes Gespür für den nächsten notwendigen Schritt, wenn er an der Zeit dafür ist. Wofür ich Dir aber, wenn ich eherlich bin, am meisten dankbar bin, ist Dein ehrliches und konstruktives Feedback, als ich in die völlig falsche Richtung gerannt bin. Es hätte in dieser Situation nicht geholfen, mich mit netten Worten in eine andere Richtung zu lenken. Deine Art, die Sache auf den Punkt zu bringen, ohne dabei in irgendeiner Art und Weise verletzend zu sein, habe ich sehr zu schätzen gelernt. Nur durch Dein Feedback war ich in der Lage, mich dem Thema anzunehmen und mich weiter zu entwickeln. Und darum geht es ja! Weiterentwicklung, Ausbauen der Stärken. Das ist in jedem Fall eine Stärke von Dir! Ich danke Dir für die beiden super Tage und werde Dich in jedem Fall weiterempfehlen!


Procedure and realisation

On two consecutive days of 6 hours each, you will learn how to read the Akashic Records and how to read the field of the universe.

The course takes place online or in my sound room only with you.

You will receive information material by e-mail before the course starts.

On the 2nd day you will have the opportunity to apply what you have learnt live with clients from my network.


Sound room and catering

If you decide to take the course on site in Regensburg, you can expect a loving and highly energised area.

During the breaks you have the opportunity to sit on the balcony if the weather is nice, take a short walk in the park or simply relax in our reading room.

As the body has a lot to do in this type of work, it is important to take good care of it.

Drinks and lunch are provided and are included in the price. On the 2nd day, we will prepare the meal together and use the newly learnt skills straight away.

Requirements for online implementation

Stable Internet access

Camera and microphone

Skype or Microsoft Teams

A space where you can be all to yourself

Rest! No work or distractions between, before or after the sessions during the seminar

Do not consume alcohol, drugs or medication that cloud your consciousness



Make yourself comfortable at home and learn to read for yourself and others in the Akashic Chronicle and in the field of the universe.

€ 889,00
2 days


Come to Regensburg to the Klangraum and learn to read for yourself and others in the Akashic Chronicle and in the field of the universe.

€ 933,00
2 days


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Lesen in der Akasha-Chronik

Reading the Akashic Records

Reading the Akashic Records

Here you will find answers to your questions, solutions and assistance
and information on your questions and topics in life.

Reading the Akashic Records

Get answers to the meaning of your life
and your life's journey.

Reading the Akashic Records

Everyone has the opportunity to connect with the Akashic Records and the universal field, to look into the past, present and a little bit into the future. We humans have lost this ability over the centuries and it is now time to rediscover it and reconnect.

The Akashic Records and the universal field help you to better understand relationships, to release blockages in your partnership, to connect lovingly with your family, to find solutions to your profession and to activate your self-healing powers.


The painter has the universe in his head and in his hands.

- Leonardo Da Vinci

Everything that happens in the world and has ever happened is preserved as an impression in a fine materiality that is imperishable.

– Rudolf Steiner

What is the Akashic Records?

We are woven into the great web of the world, everything is connected to EVERYTHING. This web (wyrd) is connected to fields that can be read. These include, for example, the Akashic Records, morphic fields, ancestral fields, etc.

The Akashic Records are also known as the universal world memory or the book of life. The anthroposophist, seer and philosopher Rudolf Steiner popularised the Akashic Records in our region at the beginning of the 20th century.

Thoughts, information, feelings, energies and events are stored in the Book of Life, the universal field, the divine field of EVERYTHING that IS, which we can ‘read’. Time, place and dimension play no role in this.

What are the benefits of reading the Akashic Records?

By opening the Book of Life for you, you will receive answers, solutions, support and information about your questions and issues in life. It shows you possibilities that you are not yet aware of and that are still lying dormant in your ‘field’. You will receive information that will serve your best possible spiritual development.

The Akashic Records show us the unconscious causes of life blockages, negative beliefs, entanglements and self-sabotage.

Dear Maria,
ein energetisches Reading habe ich durch Dich erfahren und dabei erlebt, wie sich ein Aufenthalt im göttlichen Energiefluss anfühlt. Ich bin Dir sehr dankbar für Deine starke weibliche Führung und Begleitung, der ich mich anvertrauen konnte und die mich tief beeindruckt hat. Eine Woche ist seit der Lesung vergangen und diese schöne Energie wirkt in mir nach. Meine Sinne sind offener für die wunderbaren kleinen Dinge des Lebens wie das Glitzern von fallenden Schneeflocken, die klare winterliche Luft beim Öffnen des Fensters am Morgen, der Duft von warmen Tee, das erhellende Licht einer Kerze am Abend, der Klang der Stille vor dem Einschlafen…und Kraft zum Anpacken der alltäglichen Probleme ist da. Ich spüre neue Zuversicht in mir, mein Leben für eine positive Veränderung in die Hand zu nehmen. Mutig werde ich meiner Vision folgen, sie immer wieder aufgreifen. Während der Energiearbeit war ich sehr berührt von dieser lieblichen Strömung, in die Du mich mitgenommen hast und die mich willkommen hieß mit meinen Themen ohne Wertung und Urteil. Alles hatte Raum. Und ich bin mir nun sicher: was auch schwierig ist im Hier und Jetzt und bewältigt werden will – es gibt etwas ausserhalb unseres irdischen Daseins, was uns bedingungslos annimmt und einhüllt in Wohlwollen und Liebe. Etwas, das Interesse hat an unserer Entwicklung und unserem Dasein und unterstützend zur Seite steht. Danke, liebe Maria, für diese überwältigende Verbindung und das Zeigen eines Weges wie ich derweil mit dieser höheren Kraft in Kontakt bleiben kann. Gerne empfehle ich Dich weiter und umarme Dich bis zu unserem nächsten Reading ganz herzlich.


Reading the Akashic Records

Intensive course

Learn to read the Akashic Records and the universal field for yourself or others over 2 days. Be ready for miracles!

€ ab 899,00
2 days

Individual reading

Dive into the Akashic-Chronicle field of EVERYTHING that IS, ask your questions and find answers to your life issues!

€ 50
per half hour or part thereof

energy medicine

Find out more about energy medicine and the different tools.


Stay informed and find out more about life, health and new recipes.


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