Liberation of the mind

Meditation and exercise help
to empty the mind

Harmonisation of the life energy

Find new energy, inner balance and
stay healthy

Qi Gong

Qi Gong 气功

Qi Gong is part of traditional Chinese medicine and is used to maintain a healthy and long life.

Qigong has been practised in China for thousands of years. My Chinese friends keep sending me photos of parks where many people of all ages in China practise their exercises every day. Qi gong combines elements of martial arts, but is performed with slow and flowing movements that serve to balance yin 阴 and yang 阳. The term qigong itself only emerged more recently.

‘Qi’ is the universal life force that flows through the so-called meridians, the pathways of the body.

If the outer form is not aligned, then the inner strength cannot develop.

- Hua Tuo, chin. Physician and scholar

Qi Gong is a science that studies life energy in nature.

– Dr. Yang Jwing Ming

Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, let me do it and I keep it.

- Chinese wisdom

What is Qi Gong?

Qi Gong originates from traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and has the main aim of harmonising Qi 气, the so-called life energy, by means of certain postures and body movements, breathing and mental exercises. The aim is to promote healthy processes in the body and activate the body's self-healing powers through personal responsibility and constant practice.

Qi refers to the active energetic processes in humans. In China, the unimpeded flow of qi and the harmonious handling of it have always been regarded as a basic prerequisite for health and vitality.

There are different types and forms of exercise in Qi Gong.


Qi Gong exercises

Over a thousand different types of Qi Gong are registered in China. What they all have in common is the connection to nature, to the universe and the strengthening of mental abilities and consciousness. They promote health, increase longevity and activate self-healing powers. Each type and form has its own unique style and intensity.

hui chun gong

Hui Chun Gong

Back to spring! Also known as the ‘secret rejuvenation exercises of the Chinese emperors’, they stimulate blood circulation, metabolism and the immune system. They strengthen hormonal power and support hormone production. This was one of the secrets of the Daoists' legendary health and longevity.

18 Formen Qi Gong

18 forms of Qi gong

18 harmonious movements encompass the whole body and open the meridians. It is about inner and outer balance, maintaining and strengthening physical, mental and spiritual health. The movements are gentle and address the whole body and organs. They calm the mind and deepen mindful self-awareness.

Drache Tiger Qi Gong

Dragon Tiger Qi Gong

Dragon meets the tiger! Ancient Chinese Qi Gong with 7 exercises to clear the meridians and the energy field. It intensively activates the self-healing powers and improves body and Qi awareness. The hands establish an energetic connection with the body. It improves health and increases well-being.

zhi neng qi gong

Zhi Neng Qi Gong

Intelligent Qi Gong! Unification with the universe and nature. It is about becoming one with Qi. The special thing about this exercise is that Qi is absorbed through movement and visualisation and affects all levels of the body and consciousness through positive information. It promotes longevity and unfolds hidden abilities.

What can be achieved with Qi Gong?

Inner and outer balance

Acceleration of healing processes

Activation of self-healing

More zest for life

Mental and physical stability

Increase physical and mental energy

Preservation of health

Connection to nature and the cosmos

Qi Gong seminars at the Höllbachhof

The picturesque Höllbachhof with its seminar centre is located in the middle of the Höllbach Valley. I am particularly pleased to be able to teach Qi Gong to interested participants at this location.

Lovingly enveloped by nature, the elements and completely cared for by the owners of the yard, you can devote yourself entirely to your inner and outer Qi.

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