It took a long time for me to follow the voice of my shamanic ancestors. Many events, obstacles, illnesses, offences and disappointments led me to face my origins and my task as a Shaman.
Shamanic sound connects you with your body, soul and spirit. It unites heart and mind, you recognise your inner healer and activate your self-healing powers.
If you would like to take my hand, I look forward to accompanying you on your own personal journey.
What does shamanism mean?
For me, shamanism means above all being in flow with "all that is". It means being in communication with nature and meeting ALL living beings on an equal footing.
The term shaman originally comes from the Tungusic peoples and means "someone who knows" (source: wikipedia).
Shamans (men and women) have existed since the beginning of time and in all cultures. They just have different names. For example, the Celtic druids are just as much shamans as the Native American medicine men. What unites them is their wisdom, their ability to read the universe and the great web of life and their connection to nature and the other world.
A shaman is a mediator between the worlds and can voluntarily attain other states of consciousness in order to request healing, knowledge, guidance and help for others. They travel into the past to change the future. A shaman works with power, energy and nature, co-operates closely with the spirits and is not a religion!
Activate self-healing
The connection to nature and the connection to one's own body are the basic prerequisites for maintaining health. Any non-health is a signal of non-connection and offers the opportunity for development for each individual.
We strengthen our health through personalised nutrition, releasing emotional blockages and spiritual practice. Healing happens naturally.
I would be happy to accompany you on your journey.
Dear Maria,
Right from our first meeting, I was very touched by the warmth of your heart and the feeling of being "accepted" by you. The meeting a few days later in your practice and your invitation and accompaniment into my inner being still has a positive effect on me. Thank you very much. It was (and is) a great enrichment for me that I feel so wonderfully encouraged by your energy work to turn more clearly to my perceptions and feelings, to believe in them and to give them more space in my life. The beautiful feeling of "everything is good and right as it happens" has stayed with me after my visit with you. Your openness and the vastness of the space that surrounds you give me confidence that I am on the right path. I would love to come back.
Kind regards
Where can shamanic work be supportive?
Relationship problems
In the search for the meaning of life
Lack of joy and unhappiness
Listlessness and irritability
Mental instability and depression
Rapid fatigue and exhaustion
Professional blocks to success
Physical complaints and illness
Shamanic tools
Every shaman has their own special skills and talents. My special talents are my voice, clairvoyance, psychic and empathic abilities.
Here you will find my services.
From me to you