Schamanische Energiemedizin

shamanic energy medicine

Joy of life

Find the meaning of your life and your strengths.
Rediscover life and raise your awareness.

Get healthy

Activate your self-healing powers, release blockages
and ignite your inner fire.

Strengthen relationships

Redeem negative relations and conflicts in peace.
Strengthen your relationships and feel the
the lightness of life

shamanic energy medicine

Shamanic energy medicine is very diverse and always aims to maintain health. The human luminous body is at the centre of shamanic energy medicine. I travel to the other world to find solutions and answers to your concerns and to cleanse your luminous body.

You are involved every step of the way and can ask questions at any time.

The focus of my work is on trusting your inner guidance, activating your self-healing powers and bringing you closer to your inner healer. You know best what you need or want. I hold the space and accompany you on your inner journey.

My aim is to awaken and strengthen your own power!


When mindfulness touches something beautiful, it reveals its beauty; when it touches something painful, it can transform and heal it.

– Thich Nhat Hanh

The light of the stars is only reflected in a calm pond.

- Chinese saying

What you are looking for is not on the mountain tops, not in the depths of the seas, not in the streets of the cities: it is in your heart.

- Unknown

What does shamanism mean?

For me, shamanism means above all being in flow with "all that is". It means being in communication with nature and meeting ALL living beings on an equal footing.

The term shaman originally comes from the Tungusic peoples and means "someone who knows" (source: wikipedia).

Shamans (men and women) have existed since the beginning of time and in all cultures. They just have different names. For example, the Celtic druids are just as much shamans as the Native American medicine men. What unites them is their wisdom, their ability to read the universe and the great web of life and their connection to nature and the other world.

A shaman is a mediator between the worlds and can voluntarily attain other states of consciousness in order to request healing, knowledge, guidance and help for others. They travel into the past to change the future. A shaman works with power, energy and nature, co-operates closely with the spirits and is not a religion!

What is a luminous body?

In addition to the physical body, every living being also has an energy body, which has different names around the world. Aura is a common name or luminous body. I use this name. As a shaman, I am able to perceive this body, recognise blockages and imbalances and dissolve them.

Traumatic events and bad experiences leave traces in the luminous body. Illnesses first manifest themselves in the luminous body before they manifest themselves in the physical body. For this reason, it is important to also cleanse the luminous body in the event of physical complaints.

In order to protect the soul from danger, soul contracts may have been unconsciously concluded, soul parts may have split off or been lost. Old entanglements and blockages may have become anchored in the luminous body.

Symptoms for blockages and entanglements

Searching for a partner in vain

You have been alone for a long time and have almost given up on finding a partner who suits you. Possible old soul contracts could stand in the way of your search.

Professional blocks to success

Do you work hard and give it your all, are you open to new things, have lots of ideas and still get passed over for promotions and pay rises? Self-sabotage programmes can be active and prevent your success.


Do you never really feel healthy or are you struggling with serious illnesses? Illnesses help to develop the personality and the cause may be to be found in previous lives.


If the meaning of life is lost, this can manifest itself in depression, among other things. A journey into the luminous body and the other world can bring light into the darkness.

Lacking the joy of life

It can happen that you live the lives of others. This could be your mother, your father or one of your former ancestors. Living someone else's life takes away your zest for life and prevents you from living your own life. These entanglements can be dissolved.


You're not happy and don't know why? You have a great family, friends, a fun job and yet you are not happy? Here, too, the cause may lie in promises and contracts from previous lives.


If the luminous body is polluted, the radiance is missing. You become slower, more sluggish and can no longer motivate yourself to do anything. Cleansing the light body (Awra Mendia) brings back your light.


External and internal influences such as stress, anxiety and/or negative situations can cause holes and tears in your second skin, your luminous body. You become more "thin-skinned", less resilient and feel overwhelmed - life energy is lost.

Rapid fatigue

The thinner and dirtier your luminous body becomes, the easier it is for negative energies to reach you. Energy is literally "sucked out" and makes you tired.

What are relationship bonds?

"It's as if a part of me has gone". I often hear this phrase when a relationship ends or when a partner has passed away.

From a shamanic perspective, when we become emotionally involved in relationships, we also open our luminous body to this person. On an energetic level, the luminous bodies merge and the exchange of soul energy becomes possible. Signs of this are, for example, that couples often understand each other without words, they know what the other person is saying before they say it out loud. This is a wonderful experience, but can also lead to a great deal of pain if there is a separation.

What was once a nurturing soul connection suddenly becomes a relationship shackle, which can lead to a reduction in self-esteem, difficulties in engaging with a new partner or turning to a new relationship altogether. The former partner still seems to be there as an invisible third party.

Physical complaints, exhaustion, depression and a lack of joy of life can also occur.

With Anam Ar Ais, the soul is given back completely. Soul parts are exchanged and everyone can live their own life again.

Dear Maria,
The luminous body healing was a completely new experience for me. It helped me a lot to leave the old behind and to be able to take new paths. The journey into another world showed me to see everyday things in a completely different light, to think about them in a completely different way and then to act in a completely different way. What fascinated me the most was to bundle the "silent legacy" of experiences from the last few years and simply burn them off. That liberated me a lot. Even if your advice and applications may sound a little abstract for everyday people at first, I can only say: try it out and see for yourself. It's definitely worth it and it has an amazing, immediate and lasting effect.


shamanic energy medicine

Awra Mendya

I feel the holes and cracks and close the light body so that you can utilise your full energy potential again. I use my voice, music, singing bowls etc. to do this. Auwra Mendya works like a light shower and afterwards you feel refreshed, relaxed and more energised.



luminous body healing & soul contracts

Incriminating energies are removed and the wounds are cleansed energetically with incense, song and sound. I travel to the Otherworld and search for soul contracts, dissolve entanglements and remove possible attachments.

Anam Ar Ais - Die Seele zurück

Old soul connections are severed and the path is cleared for a new love and a self-determined life. I go on a soul journey to the people involved (these can be souls who have already left or souls who are still alive) and mediate between them. If everyone is in agreement, any burdensome connections are released.

Awra Mendya

I feel the holes and cracks and close the light body so that you can utilise your full energy potential again. I use my voice, music, singing bowls etc. to do this. Auwra Mendya works like a light shower and afterwards you feel refreshed, relaxed and more energised.

Lichtkörper Heilung & Seelen Verträge

Incriminating energies are removed and the wounds are cleansed energetically with incense, song and sound. I travel to the Otherworld and search for soul contracts, dissolve entanglements and remove possible attachments.

Anam Ar Ais - Die Seele zurück

Old soul connections are severed and the path is cleared for a new love and a self-determined life. I go on a soul journey to the people involved (these can be souls who have already left or souls who are still alive) and mediate between them. If everyone is in agreement, any burdensome connections are released.



€ 50,00
per half hour or part thereof

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The power of unconditional love


The seeds of awareness.
With the initiation into the Munay-Ki rites
we join the ancestral line of earth keepers.

Unconditional love

The prophecies of the indigenous people of South America speak of a time of great transformation and of new people appearing on earth. People full of wisdom and strength, who courageously let go of their fears and shine out of their own strength.

The Munay-Ki are the code for this transformation.

Initiation and initiation rites have been practised by all people on earth for millions of years. The Andean shamans have preserved the universal knowledge of Munay-Ki. This knowledge was brought to the West by Dr Alberto Villoldo to prepare people for the great transformation. The process has already begun!

In order to bring about a new time for life on this earth, transformation and raising the vibration of our luminous body is essential.


When we heal ourselves, we also heal the world.

- Maria The voice

What does Munay-Ki mean?

MUNAY stands for unconditional or pure love. KI means power.

Munay-Ki are energetic transmissions that help us to heal wounds from the past, including karmic and genetic programmes and the limiting beliefs we have inherited.

They connect with your soul and help you to expand your higher consciousness.

Munay-Ki connect you with the ancestral lineage of healers, wisdom and earth keepers.


The 9 rites of the Munay KI

Basic rites

Healer 's Rite

Connects you to the lineage of luminous energy healers to support you in your personal transformation and awaken your inner healing power. We access tremendous spiritual support. Ancient healers to help heal the wounds of our past and those of our ancestors.

Bands of power

Five energy bands are woven into your luminous body and give you universal protection. They work as a filter, reducing negative energies that penetrate you from the 5 elements and feeding your luminous body instead of making you ill.

Harmony Rite

7 guardians are transformed into your flames (chakras). The connection to the snake, wolf, dragon, feathered people, guardians of the underworld (unconscious), middle world (waking state) and the upper world (superconscious) give you strength and strengthen the connection to the other world.

The Seer

Light pathways connect the visual cortex with the third eye and the heart chakra. A crown of light is woven that awakens your inner seer and your ability to perceive the invisible world of energy and spirit.

Ancestors Rites

The Day Keeper

You connect with the lineage of the masters of healers from ancient times and the power places of the earth. They guide you into harmony and balance with Mother Earth at every sunrise. This rite helps you to heal your inner femininity, move beyond fear and practice peace.

The Wisdom keeper

You connect with the powerful energy of the mountains and the lineage of light beings from the past and the future. The rite helps you to heal your inner masculinity, step out of time and taste infinity.

The earth keeper

This rite connects you to the archangels who are guardians of our solar system and stewards of all life on earth. The rite lifts you out of your earth-bound existence and sets your spirit free to begin your journey to the stars and dream your world into being.

Times to come

The star keeper

Your physical body is supported in this rite to develop into a homo luminos (luminous human being). The ageing process is slowed down and your DNA is regenerated. You become more resistant to disease. You take your seat around the sacred fire in the centre of the sun. A place that has been held for you since the beginning of time.

The creator

The creative light within you is awakened and makes you the guardian of all creation. From the smallest grain of sand to the largest cluster of galaxies. Once you discover that the Great Spirit is not just working through you, but AS YOU, and all of creation is happening within you, guardianship becomes natural.

The 13th rite for women

The rite of the womb

Especially for women, it restores the natural balance to your centre. It is a blessing for the abdomen - our sacred space of creation. During this rite, you connect completely with your femininity and your centre of creation. It helps you to heal the wounds of the female lineage of your ancestors, ancestors and yourself.

procedure and equalisation

9 Initiations

The initiations take place in 3 sections, each lasting 1 day. The period between the sections can be days, weeks or months. You decide the time. The realisation is possible in person in my sound room, in nature or online.

€ 499,00

Single initiation

It is also possible to be initiated into individual rites only. You choose the rite and the time. It can be performed in person in my sound room, in nature or online.

€ 50
per half hour or part thereof

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Energetische Stimmbildung

energetic voice training

energetic voice training

Raise your voice, connect with it
and gently train your vocal chords.

Music is an expression of the soul

I have been singing since my early childhood. I gained my first experience in choirs before developing into a soloist and training my bright soprano voice with various singing teachers from Salzburg to Nuremberg.

Voice training has always been a part of personal development.

I remember my first singing lesson at the Mozarteum in Salzburg very well. I was in my mid-twenties and had already been working as a soloist for years. I experienced an inner earthquake during that first lesson. This lesson was the beginning of a great personal change and development. I rediscovered the greatness and power of my voice and recognised the connection to my inner self.

As a soloist I have taken part in various performances from opera concerts, classical singing evenings, church concerts to competitions.

As a voice coach, I supported choir singers in developing their vocal potential.

With my somewhat different voice and singing training, I support you in raising your voice, connecting with it, releasing blockages and tenderly training your vocal chords.

For whom is Energetic Voice Training suitable for?

I often hear: "I can't sing"! That's a false assumption. Anyone with functioning vocal chords can sing. Just like anyone with a healthy musculoskeletal system can run, walk and jump. Some people are more talented than others. BUT - everyone can do it. YOU CAN TOO!

If you want to get to know your voice anew and connect with it, if you want to release blockages and face your fears, if you want to learn how to use your voice correctly so that it sounds better and softer - then you've come to the right place. I look forward to making an appointment with you!



€ 100 €
per hour

energy medicine

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wheel of the year

Interwoven in the annual cycle

Everything lives, grows and changes
according to the cosmic laws
of our annual cycle.

Rituals connect you with your roots

Rituals in the annual cycle help you,
to reconnect with yourself, the beings of nature
and the Otherworld.

Cultivating community

Eating together strengthens cohesion
and is an important part of our lives.
We always start our annual festivals with
a meal together.

The wheel of life as a solution

The wheel of life shows the whole
solutions for you personally
and gives impulses for your next steps.

The rhythm of nature

The circle is one of the oldest symbols of all. The Celts also honoured this symbol as very sacred. They wove themselves into the circle of life.

We are integrated into the annual cycle and are subject to the rhythms of nature. Unfortunately, the special qualities of the seasons have been lost to us over the centuries in the pursuit of ever further, faster, higher!

The rhythm of life

Our whole life is made up of rhythms and cycles!













Reflecting on these cycles also brings us back to a greater understanding of life itself.

Annual festivals

The Celtic/Germanic festivals were adopted after Christianisation and can be found in Catholic holidays in particular.

Even as a child I loved the festivals and always had the inner urge to make a ritual out of them, without knowing what it really meant.

Since 2017, we have been celebrating the annual festivals with Celtic shamanic rituals and special mindfulness. Sometimes together with larger groups, preferably with small groups and at certain festivals just my husband and I.

Each festival has its own special and unique energy. The ritual fire is unique each time and helps us to transform issues and bring new things into the world.

Hallo Maria,
zuerst möchte ich mich bei Dir bedanken für den schönen Abend. Das Abendessen war sehr gut. Auch die stimmungsvolle Atmosphäre in den beiden Häusern war sehr angenehm. Die Auswirkung vom Feuerritual kam erst am nächsten Tag, welche positiv war.
Besten Dank auch für den Newsletter. Einen Tag bevor der Newsletter kam hatte ich Laddu-Bällchen gemacht, das fand ich lustig.
Nun wünsche auch ich Dir eine schöne Zeit in der Hoffung, dass wir uns bald wieder sehen.

Alles Gute


The Celtic wheel of life

The Wheel of Life is an effective tool for analysing various life issues. With its help, you can determine where you currently stand and why certain points in your life may not be developing the way you would like them to.
The Wheel of Life shows you personalised solutions and provides impulses for the next steps.

Dear Maria,

Vielen Dank für deine Einführung ins Lebensrad.
Ich durfte die Wichtigkeit von Rhythmen und Ritualen für einen harmonischen Lebensablauf erkennen.
Du hast mir in meiner aktuellen beruflichen Orientierung die Möglichkeiten aufgezeigt, zur richtigen Zeit die für mich richtigen Entscheidungen zu treffen.
Es war ein intensives und sehr kurzweiliges Seminar, bei dem auch das Essen stimmig passte.

Ich empfehle Jedem dein Seminar der wissen möchte, wo er im Leben und in bestimmten Themen steht.

Viele liebe Grüße bis zum nächsten Ma


Constellation seminar

What is the Wheel of Life and how does it work?

Living to the rhythm of the wheel of life

Helping people to help themselves

Professional support when looking at your own life theme in the wheel of life

If the weather is fine, the seminar will mainly take place outdoors.

The programme is available for a minimum of 3 participants.

Duration approx. 4 hours.

Annual cycle festival

Join us and celebrate together in a cosy and energetic atmosphere.

You decide at the end of the evening whether and/or how much you want to put in our treasure chest.

Constellation seminar

Look at your life issues in the wheel of life and find help to help yourself.

€ 180,00
from 3 participants

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fire lodge

Connection with the elemental forces and the primordial sound

Experience the intense connection to the elements in the fire hut.
An experience you won't soon forget!

Borderline experience in the fire lodge

A fire lodge ritual is a process in which you disintegrate at the beginning, only to be reassembled again at the end. Leave the old behind and be reborn!

A mission from the other world

Lovingly built with natural materials, specially designed, blessed according to shamanic rites, questioned and consecrated. Let yourself be guided and experience miracles!

Occidental fire lodge ceremony

Cleansing the body in the form of sweating has a long tradition in many cultures. The Romans had their baths, the Ottomans the hammam, the Finns their sauna and the Indians sweated ceremonially in their sweat lodges according to shamanic tradition. In Ayurveda, sweating is a fundamental part of Panchacharma cures. The Celtic druids also built sweat rooms and used them to connect with the elemental forces. The construction methods differ depending on the culture and region - but all traditions are united by the goal of purification, both externally and internally.

My fire lodge is based on the Celtic medicine wheel, is dedicated to the energy centres and is primarily used to cleanse the body, soul and spirit, to let go and, above all, to strengthen the inner fire.

(Re-)connecting with the elemental forces of nature, the 5 elements and the primal sound of Mother Earth

Fuelling the 3 energetic cauldrons: joy of life - vocation - wisdom

Purification and letting go of non-essentials and rebirth

A ceremony in a small circle

My fire lodge is designed for a maximum of 3 participants. Enjoy this intimate and intense experience together with friends, partners or let yourself be surprised who accompanies you.

Ich bin total geflasht von diesem wundervollen Erlebnis. Das Feuerhütten-Ritual war so intensiv; ich spürte die Verbundenheit mit den Elementen, mit dem Feuer, dem Wasser und vor allem mit Mutter Erde. Ich war gefühlt eins mit allem was ist. Maria hat einen so persönlichen Raum in der fire lodge geschaffen, den Raum und die Energie gehalten und mich energetisch dort abgeholt, wo ich stand; mein komplettes Energiesystem wurde zu 100 % aufgeladen. Das komplette Ritual rund um die Feuerhütte, das mit dem Feuer entzünden beginnt, ist schon Teil des Ganzen und bereitete mich auf den ganzen Prozess vor. Dankbarkeit, Verbundenheit, Vertrauen, Liebe waren die begleitenden Gefühle. Ich durfte tiefen Frieden spüren, es ist ein Geschenk an sich selbst.


What you can experience at the fire lodge ceremony

Familiarise yourself with the fire lodge. How does it feel to sit on the ground in the middle of nature, surrounded by woollen blankets and a hollow with glowing hot stones in the middle? Find support for your individual issues. Connect with the primal sound of Mother Earth and come back to your roots, activate your energy centres with the help of the elements.


  • The fireplace for heating the stones is prepared and lit together as a ritual fire.
  • Herbs are selected for the infusions.
  • The stones and the fire hut are prepared together.
  • The fire is stoked further and further in silence; if issues arise, these are incorporated into the ritual. Connection with the element of fire.
  • The ritual in the hut always depends on the participants. Connection with the elements water and earth.
  • During the breaks, we connect with the element of air


  • The fireplace for heating the stones is prepared and lit together as a ritual fire.
  • Herbs are selected for the infusions.
  • The stones and the fire hut are prepared together.
  • The fire is stoked further and further in silence; if issues arise, these are incorporated into the ritual. Connection with the element of fire.
  • The ritual in the hut always depends on the participants. Connection with the elements water and earth.
  • During the breaks, we connect with the element of air

Important note:

If you have any health problems, please seek medical advise befor visiting the fire lodge .

It is very important to me that you feel comfortable. In my fire lodge-rituals, you always decide how far you want to go and what is allowed to show itself.

The fire lodge-Rituals are dependent on the weather. In strong wind and rain, the fire cannot be stoked. We will then find an alternative date.

energy medicine

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