Intensive course Akashic Records

Learn to read for yourself and other beings in the Akashic Records and the field of the universe.

Intensive course Akashic Records

The ability to connect with the Otherworld, the Akashic Records and the universe has been lost over the centuries. We are all woven into the great web of worlds, the Wyrd.

With this intensive Akashic Records course you will learn to reconnect, to better perceive yourself and your surroundings and to receive answers to your questions.

Contents of the 2-day intensive Akashic Records course

Further development of your intuitive skills

Increasing the vibration of the luminous body

Personal development

Release energetic shackles and blockages

Strengthening your own perception

Find answers to your questions, in every area

Communication with your soul, with animals and plants

Read the field of the universe for yourself and other beings

Das Seminar war von A bis Z sehr strukturiert und toll organisiert. Zeitlich wurde alles ausreichend abgedeckt und es blieben keine Fragen offen. Du hast viel Geduld und ein sehr gutes Gespür für den nächsten notwendigen Schritt, wenn er an der Zeit dafür ist. Wofür ich Dir aber, wenn ich eherlich bin, am meisten dankbar bin, ist Dein ehrliches und konstruktives Feedback, als ich in die völlig falsche Richtung gerannt bin. Es hätte in dieser Situation nicht geholfen, mich mit netten Worten in eine andere Richtung zu lenken. Deine Art, die Sache auf den Punkt zu bringen, ohne dabei in irgendeiner Art und Weise verletzend zu sein, habe ich sehr zu schätzen gelernt. Nur durch Dein Feedback war ich in der Lage, mich dem Thema anzunehmen und mich weiter zu entwickeln. Und darum geht es ja! Weiterentwicklung, Ausbauen der Stärken. Das ist in jedem Fall eine Stärke von Dir! Ich danke Dir für die beiden super Tage und werde Dich in jedem Fall weiterempfehlen!


Procedure and realisation

On two consecutive days of 6 hours each, you will learn how to read the Akashic Records and how to read the field of the universe.

The course takes place online or in my sound room only with you.

You will receive information material by e-mail before the course starts.

On the 2nd day you will have the opportunity to apply what you have learnt live with clients from my network.


Sound room and catering

If you decide to take the course on site in Regensburg, you can expect a loving and highly energised area.

During the breaks you have the opportunity to sit on the balcony if the weather is nice, take a short walk in the park or simply relax in our reading room.

As the body has a lot to do in this type of work, it is important to take good care of it.

Drinks and lunch are provided and are included in the price. On the 2nd day, we will prepare the meal together and use the newly learnt skills straight away.

Requirements for online implementation

Stable Internet access

Camera and microphone

Skype or Microsoft Teams

A space where you can be all to yourself

Rest! No work or distractions between, before or after the sessions during the seminar

Do not consume alcohol, drugs or medication that cloud your consciousness



Make yourself comfortable at home and learn to read for yourself and others in the Akashic Chronicle and in the field of the universe.

€ 889,00
2 days


Come to Regensburg to the Klangraum and learn to read for yourself and others in the Akashic Chronicle and in the field of the universe.

€ 933,00
2 days


7 + 14 =

Data protection

I agree that my details and data will be collected and stored electronically to answer my enquiry. Note: Cancellation by e-mail to