Themed cooking day Chinese cuisine 15.02.25

by | Nov 30, 2024 | 0 comments

Maria Die Stimme
Maria Die Stimme

Oatmeal chocolate cake with mango coconut yoghurt (without sugar)

Haferschokoküchlein mit Mangokokosjoghurt (ohne Zucker) gehen schnell und verwöhnen den Gaumen. Ideal, wenn kurzfristig Gäste vor der Tür stehen...

Ayurveda burger gluten-free

Ayurveda kennt keine Grenzen und kann auf jedes Gericht angewendet werden. Der Ayurveda Burger glutenfrei vereint die Grundsätze des Ayurveda

Vegetarian raclette according to Ayurveda

Raclette zu welcher Jahreszeit? Vegetarisches Raclette nach dem Ayurveda mögen wir am Liebsten im Sommer. Da wir uns saisonal ernähren, ist die Auswahl im Sommer von größerer Vielfalt als im Winter. Außerdem ist es ein Genuß, draußen zu sitzen in angenehmer...

Asian cucumber salad

The Asian cucumber salad is a special kind of flavour experience. Experience an explosion of flavour with just a few ingredients.

Roasted potatoes with colourful vegetables and soy dip

Colourful variety on the plate. A rich meal for all the senses. A cheat sheet for food intolerances.

Tomato jalapeno ragout

For me, sweet and sour tomatoes epitomise the summer of my childhood. We always had an abundance of home-grown tomatoes. The whole garden smelled of the incomparable aroma of the tomato plant.

Apple celery soup with roasted fennel

This soup contains all the Ayurvedic flavours: sweet, sour, salty, hot, bitter and tart. Do you know which of the ingredients belongs to which flavour? Try it out and enjoy this harmonious soup.

Baked pumpkin with date fig sauce

Savour the sweetness of life. Get in the mood for the end of the year with this pumpkin dish. Enjoy the peace and quiet, go into retreat and introspection. Connect with Mother Earth. This meal nourishes your lower 3 flames and gives you a sense of security.


Chapati are an ideal accompaniment to an Ayurvedic meal or in the evening with a warming soup to reduce VATA.

rocket herb pasta

If you're in a hurry, this simple but very tasty recipe is ideal. If you have rocket and herbs growing in your own garden - bring them on!

Seminar Shamanic Medicine Wheel - 2 days

In this Shamanic Medicine Wheel seminar you will learn how the medicine wheel works and how you can use it for yourself. As I am connected to Celtic shamanism, the seminar is based on the Celtic tradition of the medicine wheel.

Kochkurs – Chinesische Küche 05.04.25

Lass uns gemeinsam traditionelles chinesische Essen im Kochkurs - Chinesische Küche 05.04.25 zubereiten. Bring mehr Energie in Deinen Körper, Seele und Geist.

Journey to the ME with Ayurveda

A journey to the ME with Ayurveda just for you alone. Let yourself be pampered and recharge your batteries. For more well-being of body, soul and spirit.

Intensive training Akashic Records

With the intensive Akashic Chronicle training you will learn to reconnect with the cosmos and nature, to better perceive yourself and your surroundings.

Munay-Ki – 9 Einweihungen

The Munay-Ki are the code for an inner transformation. Letting go of fears and the power of unconditional love - Munay-Ki!

4 days Hui Chun Gong in Höllbachtal - September

4 days of Hui Chun Gong in the Höllbach valley.
Experience rejuvenating Qi Gong in the midst of nature.

4 Tage Hui Chun Gong im Höllbachtal – Mai

4 Tage Hui Chung Gong im Höllbachtal.
Experience rejuvenating Qi Gong in the midst of nature.


Every soul has its own special sound. I will take you on a sound journey to your inner self. Experience a completely different way of connecting with your soul.

Qi Gong

Qi Gong is part of traditional Chinese medicine and is used to maintain a healthy and long life.

energy medicine

Energy medicine can create a state of balance between body, soul and spirit and reduce the symptoms of illness.

Energy kitchen

Cooking and eating is so much more than just preparing and consuming food. Ancient wisdom teachings understand food as medicine and not just as a filler for the body.

Come to my Chinese cuisine themed cooking day and let yourself be seduced by exotic flavours.
We prepare traditional Chinese food together according to the health aspects of Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine.


Saturday, 15 February 2025, 10 am - 2 pm


AMITA Kochstudio, Kulmbacher Str. 6, 93057 Regensburg


83,00 € per person

Why Chinese cuisine theme cookery day?

I have been learning the Chinese language for 3 years. Of course, language learning is not just about the language itself, but also about the culture and, for me, especially the food culture. I love Asian cuisine and because of my intolerances I can't go to a Chinese restaurant.

Fortunately, I have Chinese friends who are always giving me tips on real Chinese cuisine.

What can you expect on this cookery day?

Together we will prepare a Chinese menu. You can find more information about Chinese cuisine here in my BLOG ARTICLE.

India meets China, Ayurveda merges with traditional Chinese medicine.

We awaken the elements together in my cooking studio, travelling through the various Asian spices and experimenting with the ingredients, combined with Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese philosophy.

Let yourself be whisked away on a journey through the senses.

You will learn...

... get to know different cooking and preparation techniques from Chinese cuisine

... how to prepare a harmonious menu taking into account the 6 different flavours

... know the use of spices

... how to cook quickly and easily for better well-being

Your advantage

My courses take place exclusively in very small groups of up to 6 participants. This means that you are right in the middle of the action, can ask your questions and are not left out. Every participant is fully involved in the individual steps right from the start and everyone can try things out and discover their preferences.

Important notes

The AMITA cookery studio is small and cosy, and the number of participants is limited to 6 people.

If you suffer from food intolerances, have to follow a special diet or don't like certain foods, please let me know before the course.

Please bring an apron, something to write with and an appetite to the course.

Booking and cancellation

You can make a booking using the ‘Book a cookery day’ button or send me an e-mail using the contact form.

Your registration is only binding once the participation fee has been credited to my account.

Cancellations are free of charge up to 2 days before the course, after that 50% of the course fee will be retained unless the place is taken by another person.

Oatmeal chocolate cake with mango coconut yoghurt (without sugar)

Haferschokoküchlein mit Mangokokosjoghurt (ohne Zucker) gehen schnell und verwöhnen den Gaumen. Ideal, wenn kurzfristig Gäste vor der Tür stehen...

Ayurveda burger gluten-free

Ayurveda kennt keine Grenzen und kann auf jedes Gericht angewendet werden. Der Ayurveda Burger glutenfrei vereint die Grundsätze des Ayurveda

Vegetarian raclette according to Ayurveda

Raclette zu welcher Jahreszeit? Vegetarisches Raclette nach dem Ayurveda mögen wir am Liebsten im Sommer. Da wir uns saisonal ernähren, ist die Auswahl im Sommer von größerer Vielfalt als im Winter. Außerdem ist es ein Genuß, draußen zu sitzen in angenehmer...

Asian cucumber salad

The Asian cucumber salad is a special kind of flavour experience. Experience an explosion of flavour with just a few ingredients.

Roasted potatoes with colourful vegetables and soy dip

Colourful variety on the plate. A rich meal for all the senses. A cheat sheet for food intolerances.

Tomato jalapeno ragout

For me, sweet and sour tomatoes epitomise the summer of my childhood. We always had an abundance of home-grown tomatoes. The whole garden smelled of the incomparable aroma of the tomato plant.

Apple celery soup with roasted fennel

This soup contains all the Ayurvedic flavours: sweet, sour, salty, hot, bitter and tart. Do you know which of the ingredients belongs to which flavour? Try it out and enjoy this harmonious soup.

Baked pumpkin with date fig sauce

Savour the sweetness of life. Get in the mood for the end of the year with this pumpkin dish. Enjoy the peace and quiet, go into retreat and introspection. Connect with Mother Earth. This meal nourishes your lower 3 flames and gives you a sense of security.


Chapati are an ideal accompaniment to an Ayurvedic meal or in the evening with a warming soup to reduce VATA.

rocket herb pasta

If you're in a hurry, this simple but very tasty recipe is ideal. If you have rocket and herbs growing in your own garden - bring them on!

Seminar Shamanic Medicine Wheel - 2 days

In this Shamanic Medicine Wheel seminar you will learn how the medicine wheel works and how you can use it for yourself. As I am connected to Celtic shamanism, the seminar is based on the Celtic tradition of the medicine wheel.

Kochkurs – Chinesische Küche 05.04.25

Lass uns gemeinsam traditionelles chinesische Essen im Kochkurs - Chinesische Küche 05.04.25 zubereiten. Bring mehr Energie in Deinen Körper, Seele und Geist.

Journey to the ME with Ayurveda

A journey to the ME with Ayurveda just for you alone. Let yourself be pampered and recharge your batteries. For more well-being of body, soul and spirit.

Intensive training Akashic Records

With the intensive Akashic Chronicle training you will learn to reconnect with the cosmos and nature, to better perceive yourself and your surroundings.

Munay-Ki – 9 Einweihungen

The Munay-Ki are the code for an inner transformation. Letting go of fears and the power of unconditional love - Munay-Ki!

4 days Hui Chun Gong in Höllbachtal - September

4 days of Hui Chun Gong in the Höllbach valley.
Experience rejuvenating Qi Gong in the midst of nature.

4 Tage Hui Chun Gong im Höllbachtal – Mai

4 Tage Hui Chung Gong im Höllbachtal.
Experience rejuvenating Qi Gong in the midst of nature.


12 + 1 =

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I agree that my details and data will be collected and stored electronically to answer my enquiry. Note: Cancellation by e-mail to


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