Ghee - the gold of Ayurvedic cuisine

by | Mar 13, 2024 | 0 comments

Maria Die Stimme

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Oatmeal chocolate cake with mango coconut yoghurt (without sugar)

Haferschokoküchlein mit Mangokokosjoghurt (ohne Zucker) gehen schnell und verwöhnen den Gaumen. Ideal, wenn kurzfristig Gäste vor der Tür stehen...

Ayurveda burger gluten-free

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Vegetarian raclette according to Ayurveda

Raclette zu welcher Jahreszeit? Vegetarisches Raclette nach dem Ayurveda mögen wir am Liebsten im Sommer. Da wir uns saisonal ernähren, ist die Auswahl im Sommer von größerer Vielfalt als im Winter. Außerdem ist es ein Genuß, draußen zu sitzen in angenehmer...

Asian cucumber salad

The Asian cucumber salad is a special kind of flavour experience. Experience an explosion of flavour with just a few ingredients.

Roasted potatoes with colourful vegetables and soy dip

Colourful variety on the plate. A rich meal for all the senses. A cheat sheet for food intolerances.

Tomato jalapeno ragout

For me, sweet and sour tomatoes epitomise the summer of my childhood. We always had an abundance of home-grown tomatoes. The whole garden smelled of the incomparable aroma of the tomato plant.

Apple celery soup with roasted fennel

This soup contains all the Ayurvedic flavours: sweet, sour, salty, hot, bitter and tart. Do you know which of the ingredients belongs to which flavour? Try it out and enjoy this harmonious soup.

Baked pumpkin with date fig sauce

Savour the sweetness of life. Get in the mood for the end of the year with this pumpkin dish. Enjoy the peace and quiet, go into retreat and introspection. Connect with Mother Earth. This meal nourishes your lower 3 flames and gives you a sense of security.


Chapati are an ideal accompaniment to an Ayurvedic meal or in the evening with a warming soup to reduce VATA.

rocket herb pasta

If you're in a hurry, this simple but very tasty recipe is ideal. If you have rocket and herbs growing in your own garden - bring them on!

Maria Die Stimme

Here you will find an overview of all videos

Ghee is highly valued in Ayurveda.

In the Panchakarma treatment, medicinal ghee cooked with herbs is an important part of the detoxification process. The use of oils and fats depends very much on your individual constitution.

Ghee is very easy to make yourself and I can no longer imagine my kitchen without it. Clarifying butter to preserve it used to be a completely normal process, especially in the country where I grew up. Ghee is nothing other than clarified butter. It gives your dishes a special flavour and is a very high-quality and nourishing fat due to its naturalness.

What do I need to make ghee

Only a little is needed to make ghee yourself.

You need:

  • Organic sweet cream butter
  • a fine sieve
  • Kitchen paper
  • a pot with a thick base
  • a container to collect the finished ghee

250 g butter takes approx. 20 minutes until the ghee is ready.

Learn how to make your own ghee step by step here.

Oatmeal chocolate cake with mango coconut yoghurt (without sugar)

Haferschokoküchlein mit Mangokokosjoghurt (ohne Zucker) gehen schnell und verwöhnen den Gaumen. Ideal, wenn kurzfristig Gäste vor der Tür stehen...

Ayurveda burger gluten-free

Ayurveda kennt keine Grenzen und kann auf jedes Gericht angewendet werden. Der Ayurveda Burger glutenfrei vereint die Grundsätze des Ayurveda

Vegetarian raclette according to Ayurveda

Raclette zu welcher Jahreszeit? Vegetarisches Raclette nach dem Ayurveda mögen wir am Liebsten im Sommer. Da wir uns saisonal ernähren, ist die Auswahl im Sommer von größerer Vielfalt als im Winter. Außerdem ist es ein Genuß, draußen zu sitzen in angenehmer...

Asian cucumber salad

The Asian cucumber salad is a special kind of flavour experience. Experience an explosion of flavour with just a few ingredients.

Roasted potatoes with colourful vegetables and soy dip

Colourful variety on the plate. A rich meal for all the senses. A cheat sheet for food intolerances.

Tomato jalapeno ragout

For me, sweet and sour tomatoes epitomise the summer of my childhood. We always had an abundance of home-grown tomatoes. The whole garden smelled of the incomparable aroma of the tomato plant.

Apple celery soup with roasted fennel

This soup contains all the Ayurvedic flavours: sweet, sour, salty, hot, bitter and tart. Do you know which of the ingredients belongs to which flavour? Try it out and enjoy this harmonious soup.

Baked pumpkin with date fig sauce

Savour the sweetness of life. Get in the mood for the end of the year with this pumpkin dish. Enjoy the peace and quiet, go into retreat and introspection. Connect with Mother Earth. This meal nourishes your lower 3 flames and gives you a sense of security.


Chapati are an ideal accompaniment to an Ayurvedic meal or in the evening with a warming soup to reduce VATA.

rocket herb pasta

If you're in a hurry, this simple but very tasty recipe is ideal. If you have rocket and herbs growing in your own garden - bring them on!

Here you will find an overview of all videos


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