Soul song Dover Castle August 2022

by | Oct 15, 2024 | 0 comments

Maria Die Stimme

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Maria Die Stimme

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I was able to experience a special healing experience with my soul singing in Dover Castle. Following my healing mission, I went to the Romanesque church of St Mary and allowed myself to be guided by the energy. Be there too and let yourself be enveloped by the healing sounds of Dover Castle.

What is so special about Dover Castle?

Dover Castle sits on the chalk cliffs of the English coast and marks the shortest sea route between England and the continent. Also known as the ‘Key to England’, this impressive fortress has played a crucial role in the defence of the kingdom for more than 9 centuries.

The castle hill was already inhabited in the pre-Roman Iron Age. Defences and a fort were built in the Dover area as early as Roman times.

The church of St Mary in Castro dates from around 1000 AD. Its extraordinary size suggests that it may have had a royal patron - Godwin, Earl of Wessex (reigned 1020-53), father of King Harold (reigned 1066), is one possibility. A cemetery discovered during archaeological excavations in 1962 suggests that a community lived nearby, perhaps in a fortified bailey.

The history of Dover Castle as a fortified castle on the English coast began with William the Conqueror.


Dover Castle and its significance in the Second World War

During the Second World War, the castle served as headquarters for the army garrison that defended the town and for the Royal Navy's re-established base.

Underground tunnels were built, where bomb-proof offices and later a hospital were set up. The hospital can still be visited today and bears witness to the inhumanity of war.

What exactly is soul singing?

A few years ago, I discovered that I have the gift of perceiving energies and singing them. These are energies from places, animals and, above all, people. Every place and every living being has its very own sound. With soul singing, I transport the emotions of every soul to the outside world through my voice. Everything has a soul - even places!

You can find more information in my interview with Michaela Lechner HERE.

Healing of places and living beings through soul singing

Music is the most primal expression of life and all that is. Music has always been used for healing purposes, because everything is energy and frequency.

Places can also be injured, get sick and need healing as a result. A place like Dover Castle has experienced a lot of suffering over thousands of years and has been repeatedly injured, e.g. by tunnelling.

Healers around the world are and have been called to heal places and the land with their abilities. It is often the case that a single healer alone cannot heal the entire place. Healers also have different gifts and talents. The union and healing energy of all of them can make places shine anew and heal.

My gift is soul singing. I always make myself available for healing and when I am asked, I connect with the place and give it a voice.

What makes the soul song at Dover Castle so special

The soul singing in Dover Castle was very special for me because I searched for a long time in the church until I found the right spot. We wanted to make a video and I initially chose the spot based on where it would be best to film. But it didn't feel right. In the end, I let myself be guided and found my place on the side altar, adjusted by millimetres. The singing energy (as I always call it) was particularly strong here and I started to sing.

It was only when I watched the video afterwards that I realised exactly where I was standing. I was exactly parallel to a work of art made of iron bars that symbolised a soldier.

Listen to his music and feel free to leave your impressions in the comment bar below.

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