My thoughts on recognising and discovering

by | Jan 13, 2024 | 0 comments

Maria Die Stimme
Maria Die Stimme

Here you will find an overview of all articles

energy medicine

Energy medicine can create a state of balance between body, soul and spirit, reduce symptoms of illness and identify the cause of diseases.

Traditional Chinese cuisine (without glutamate)

Traditional Chinese cuisine is as diverse as the country it comes from. It cannot be reduced to Peking duck, fried noodles and sweet and sour pork.

Musical meditation journey into the dragon land of King Arthur

A meditative journey to magical places, carried by song and harp.

The CD "Love from and for Mother Earth" is here

Reconnection to Mother Earth, to nature and to all that is.

Food intolerances and solutions

My personal experience with food intolerances and what solutions are available.

Thoughts on femininity and masculinity

What exactly is femininity and masculinity? You can find my thoughts in this blog post.

Preventing depression in autumn

The winds of change blow particularly strongly in autumn. You can find a grounding exercise here.

Courage for truth and freedom

Recognising the truth can often be very painful, but it frees you immensely. I would like to share my experiences on my journey to inner freedom with you in this article.

Diagnosis of anxiety and the self-experiment

Be ready for miracles! If you take responsibility for your body, strengthen your self-healing powers and, above all, have faith in yourself and All That Is, anything is possible!

What does freedom mean for you, for us, for the world?

It is an indescribable feeling to let go of all the masks you have been taught and imposed!

How does nature give us energy?

Each plant nourishes one of our energy centres with its properties, qualities and colours. Here you will find a small selection of plants that strengthen your luminous body.

Written on August 03, 2020

Light and love - or...

Today I would like to pass on a few thoughts that have matured in me over the last 4 months, and above all have to do with recognising and discovering. It's not easy for me to do this, but it's all the more important. Perhaps it will be helpful for some of you.

In the last 4 months in particular, I have been able to get to know many new people and people get to know in a new way. I have spent hours on the phone, "discovered" new networks, laughed, cried, rejoiced and mourned! I was thrilled, hurt and amazed!

I researched, read, delved into the deepest depths. I was incredulous, stunned, shocked, disappointed. I kept asking myself the question: "Why am I doing this to myself? It's much better to just occupy myself with beautiful things! Light and love! That's what matters - right?"

Then came the realisation

It's important that I deal with it!
I have learnt to do research!
I have learnt to trust my intuition even more.
I have learnt to trust myself even more.
I have learnt to differentiate.
I have learnt to look and listen even more.

I am learning to be powerful and strong for whatever comes to fulfil my Dedication - to be there for the people who want to face their shadows.

More than ever before, I have realised how interconnected everything is and that I must first look at the shadows in order to fill them with light.

I have discovered:

... that everything that is happening now, with all its positive and negative aspects, is important for the further development of us all.
... that change is only possible if the need for change is present beforehand, i.e. the pressure of suffering increases.
... that there are more and more people who have understood that we are one human family and that we are only strong together!

The changing times

We are in a time of change. Much is becoming visible. Much is being uncovered and unveiled! For some, a world is collapsing. The world view is no longer the one you have believed in all your life. I have seen people who have almost been broken by it. I have seen people who have become strong and courageous as a result.

And at the end of this process is FREEDOM!

Traditional Chinese cuisine (without glutamate)

Traditional Chinese cuisine is as diverse as the country it comes from. It cannot be reduced to Peking duck, fried noodles and sweet and sour pork.

Musical meditation journey into the dragon land of King Arthur

A meditative journey to magical places, carried by song and harp.

The CD "Love from and for Mother Earth" is here

Reconnection to Mother Earth, to nature and to all that is.

Food intolerances and solutions

My personal experience with food intolerances and what solutions are available.

Thoughts on femininity and masculinity

What exactly is femininity and masculinity? You can find my thoughts in this blog post.

Preventing depression in autumn

The winds of change blow particularly strongly in autumn. You can find a grounding exercise here.

Courage for truth and freedom

Recognising the truth can often be very painful, but it frees you immensely. I would like to share my experiences on my journey to inner freedom with you in this article.

Diagnosis of anxiety and the self-experiment

Be ready for miracles! If you take responsibility for your body, strengthen your self-healing powers and, above all, have faith in yourself and All That Is, anything is possible!

What does freedom mean for you, for us, for the world?

It is an indescribable feeling to let go of all the masks you have been taught and imposed!

How does nature give us energy?

Each plant nourishes one of our energy centres with its properties, qualities and colours. Here you will find a small selection of plants that strengthen your luminous body.

Here you will find an overview of all articles

energy medicine

Energy medicine can create a state of balance between body, soul and spirit, reduce symptoms of illness and identify the cause of diseases.


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