Thoughts on femininity and masculinity

by | Jan 13, 2024 | 0 comments

Maria Die Stimme
Maria Die Stimme

Here you will find an overview of all articles

Shanghai im Winter 2025

Ist Shanghai im Winter eine Reise wert? Auf jeden Fall. Shanghai und vor allem seine Außenbezirke warten von Modern bis Historisch mit einigem auf.

Peking im Winter 2025

Ist Peking im Winter eine Reise wert? Auf jeden Fall. Peking hat sehr viel zu bieten und im Winter sind die Sehenswürdigkeiten nicht überlaufen.

Winter solstice 21 Dec - The birth of light

Die Wintersonnenwende 21.12. - Die Geburt des Lichts. Neuanfang, Vorbereiten, Planen! Heiße das Licht mit einem Ritual willkommen!

Celtic annual festival - Samhain 31.10./01.11.

The Celtic annual festival of Samhain is all about rest and regeneration. Here are a few suggestions on how you can make the most of the festival.

The dark night of the soul - transformation and rebirth

The dark night of the soul refers to a period of intense inner challenges, transformation and spiritual awakening.

Traditional Chinese cuisine (without glutamate)

Traditional Chinese cuisine is as diverse as the country it comes from. It cannot be reduced to Peking duck, fried noodles and sweet and sour pork.

Musical meditation journey into the dragon land of King Arthur

A meditative journey to magical places, carried by song and harp.

The CD "Love from and for Mother Earth" is here

Reconnection to Mother Earth, to nature and to all that is.

Food intolerances and solutions

My personal experience with food intolerances and what solutions are available.

Preventing depression in autumn

The winds of change blow particularly strongly in autumn. You can find a grounding exercise here.

Seminar Shamanic Medicine Wheel - 2 days

In this Shamanic Medicine Wheel seminar you will learn how the medicine wheel works and how you can use it for yourself. As I am connected to Celtic shamanism, the seminar is based on the Celtic tradition of the medicine wheel.

Kochkurs – Chinesische Küche 05.04.25

Lass uns gemeinsam traditionelles chinesische Essen im Kochkurs - Chinesische Küche 05.04.25 zubereiten. Bring mehr Energie in Deinen Körper, Seele und Geist.

Journey to the ME with Ayurveda

A journey to the ME with Ayurveda just for you alone. Let yourself be pampered and recharge your batteries. For more well-being of body, soul and spirit.

Intensive training Akashic Records

With the intensive Akashic Chronicle training you will learn to reconnect with the cosmos and nature, to better perceive yourself and your surroundings.

Munay-Ki – 9 Einweihungen

The Munay-Ki are the code for an inner transformation. Letting go of fears and the power of unconditional love - Munay-Ki!

4 days Hui Chun Gong in Höllbachtal - September

4 days of Hui Chun Gong in the Höllbach valley.
Experience rejuvenating Qi Gong in the midst of nature.

4 Tage Hui Chun Gong im Höllbachtal – Mai

4 Tage Hui Chung Gong im Höllbachtal.
Experience rejuvenating Qi Gong in the midst of nature.


Every soul has its own special sound. I will take you on a sound journey to your inner self. Experience a completely different way of connecting with your soul.

Qi Gong

Qi Gong is part of traditional Chinese medicine and is used to maintain a healthy and long life.

energy medicine

Energy medicine can create a state of balance between body, soul and spirit and reduce the symptoms of illness.

Energy kitchen

Cooking and eating is so much more than just preparing and consuming food. Ancient wisdom teachings understand food as medicine and not just as a filler for the body.

Written on October 15, 2019

I keep coming across the topic of femininity and masculinity in all its facets. As a personal life topic, among friends and relatives, at work, in politics and just recently at a wonderful evening in a female community. During this get-together, we discussed words such as "emancipation" and "feminism". I would like to share my thoughts on this with you and invite you to think about it, join in the discussion and become aware of what femininity and masculinity mean to you.

My background

Growing up alongside my mother in a male household with 3 older brothers and having worked for many years in a male-dominated profession, "being a woman" was rather foreign to me. My external attributes may have labelled me as such, but I am only now really experiencing and enjoying what that really means. In the family, I had to assert myself, climb around in the trees just like my brothers, not cry at sad films and "not be a girl". Not to show any weaknesses at work, to be self-determent, to fight!

But being a woman is simply beautiful! In recent years, I have been able to experience a lot of self-awareness during my shamanic training and my further training in transactional analysis and now I really appreciate "being a woman" and above all enjoy the company of other women.

For me, heal feminine energy is

  • simply "to be"
  • community
  • nourish, care for others and myself
  • entirety
  • softness
  • feeling

For me, heal masculine energy is

  • creates structures
  • provides security
  • sets boundaries and frameworks for themselves and others
  • asserts itself
  • builds on individuality
  • nourishes healthy competition

What attributes do you find?

Every woman has masculine energy within her and every man has feminine energy. A woman also sets boundaries and therefore complements the male energy. And a man shows feeling and enters into symbiosis with the woman.

I have come to know "feminism" and "emancipation" partly as a fight against men, which I think is a great pity and tips the scales just as much as the centuries-long fight of men against women.

What exactly is behind the words "equal rights" and "equal treatment"?

I don't want to be "treated the same". Because every person is an individual and needs their very own "treatment". As a manager, I experience this every day. Treating everyone the same way is difficult and also not effective.

The situation is similar with "equality" - a very difficult word. What is equal rights? Everyone is entitled? For what? Doesn't it put enormous pressure on women to live equality by competing with men, e.g. at work?

That's how I felt! What does it do to a woman who got her job because of a quota? Does that have anything to do with equal rights?

Equivalence vs. equal rights

At our women's get-together, we found a wonderful word that speaks to my heart - "EQUAL VALUE". Every person has the same value. Every woman is allowed to live her femininity with equal value in the path she has chosen. In the same way, every man is equally allowed to walk and live the path he has chosen. Without pressure - just be. Be at eye level. Be with each other!

I am very lucky to be able to live this "EQUIVALENCE" with my husband. He sets the framework, holds the space and I nurture, care for and organise.

And so I try to plant the little seed of EQUAL VALUE every day with my actions, in my dealings with my fellow human beings, with animals and plants and in my relationships, with the vision that the little plant will develop widely branching roots and spread as a net around the whole world.

Do we want to nurture this little plant together?


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Shanghai im Winter 2025

Ist Shanghai im Winter eine Reise wert? Auf jeden Fall. Shanghai und vor allem seine Außenbezirke warten von Modern bis Historisch mit einigem auf.

Peking im Winter 2025

Ist Peking im Winter eine Reise wert? Auf jeden Fall. Peking hat sehr viel zu bieten und im Winter sind die Sehenswürdigkeiten nicht überlaufen.

Winter solstice 21 Dec - The birth of light

Die Wintersonnenwende 21.12. - Die Geburt des Lichts. Neuanfang, Vorbereiten, Planen! Heiße das Licht mit einem Ritual willkommen!

Celtic annual festival - Samhain 31.10./01.11.

The Celtic annual festival of Samhain is all about rest and regeneration. Here are a few suggestions on how you can make the most of the festival.

The dark night of the soul - transformation and rebirth

The dark night of the soul refers to a period of intense inner challenges, transformation and spiritual awakening.

Traditional Chinese cuisine (without glutamate)

Traditional Chinese cuisine is as diverse as the country it comes from. It cannot be reduced to Peking duck, fried noodles and sweet and sour pork.

Musical meditation journey into the dragon land of King Arthur

A meditative journey to magical places, carried by song and harp.

The CD "Love from and for Mother Earth" is here

Reconnection to Mother Earth, to nature and to all that is.

Food intolerances and solutions

My personal experience with food intolerances and what solutions are available.

Preventing depression in autumn

The winds of change blow particularly strongly in autumn. You can find a grounding exercise here.

Seminar Shamanic Medicine Wheel - 2 days

In this Shamanic Medicine Wheel seminar you will learn how the medicine wheel works and how you can use it for yourself. As I am connected to Celtic shamanism, the seminar is based on the Celtic tradition of the medicine wheel.

Kochkurs – Chinesische Küche 05.04.25

Lass uns gemeinsam traditionelles chinesische Essen im Kochkurs - Chinesische Küche 05.04.25 zubereiten. Bring mehr Energie in Deinen Körper, Seele und Geist.

Journey to the ME with Ayurveda

A journey to the ME with Ayurveda just for you alone. Let yourself be pampered and recharge your batteries. For more well-being of body, soul and spirit.

Intensive training Akashic Records

With the intensive Akashic Chronicle training you will learn to reconnect with the cosmos and nature, to better perceive yourself and your surroundings.

Munay-Ki – 9 Einweihungen

The Munay-Ki are the code for an inner transformation. Letting go of fears and the power of unconditional love - Munay-Ki!

4 days Hui Chun Gong in Höllbachtal - September

4 days of Hui Chun Gong in the Höllbach valley.
Experience rejuvenating Qi Gong in the midst of nature.

4 Tage Hui Chun Gong im Höllbachtal – Mai

4 Tage Hui Chung Gong im Höllbachtal.
Experience rejuvenating Qi Gong in the midst of nature.

Here you will find an overview of all articles


Every soul has its own special sound. I will take you on a sound journey to your inner self. Experience a completely different way of connecting with your soul.

Qi Gong

Qi Gong is part of traditional Chinese medicine and is used to maintain a healthy and long life.

energy medicine

Energy medicine can create a state of balance between body, soul and spirit, reduce symptoms of illness and identify the cause of diseases.

Energy kitchen

Cooking and eating is so much more than just preparing and consuming food. Ancient wisdom teachings understand food as medicine and not just as a filler for the body.