The preventive medical check-up
In May 2019, my cancer check-up was due and there was an abnormal finding. My doctor told me to wait and come back in November 2019. This appointment included an extended examination and a special tumour test. This test turned out to be positive. In this case positive didn’t mean good. The doctor recommended surgery to remove the cancerous cells that may be present.
There it was again, the fear! The position of fear on a timeline is in the future. It means the incident has not yet happened and I was scared of something that hadn’t happen yet. With this knowledge I started my self-experiment in inclusion of body, soul, and mind and under expert supervision. I didn’t want surgery and gave myself 6 months for my self-healing experiment.
My self-experiment
I started a detox program for 3 months on a naturopathic basis. I adjusted the ayurvedic food plan by eating a lot of green foods, drinking herbal teas and putting spicies into my food to support my digestion fire. Additionly I started homeopathic microimmunotherapy for 3 months and Vitamin D3 in combination with Viatmin K to supplement my plan. I prescribed myself a lot of rest (it was the hardest for me) and timeouts. My body temperature was too low and my immune system too weak, so it was an invitation for viruses to infect my body. Viruses and Cancer Cells don’t like the warmth. I ate only warm meals with ingredients that warm the body and took baths to increase my body temperature to a normal level. All of these were under expert supervision. I wouldn’t do this on my own.
The important thing for me was to escape the trap of persistent pondering and my fear. I practiced mind hygiene and met my fears in a firm but friendly manner through meditation. I didn’t allow it to block and paralyse me, to pin me down in a state of shock or to dehumanise me. I wrote small notes which read “I am healthy” and put them on every surface I came across every day to remind myself about the power of self-healing. One note even informed my tea.
On a spiritual level, I connected with my body and lovingly asked it to activate its self-healing powers. Homeopathy also works on a spiritual level and so the microimmunotherapy also provided support here.
I set out to find the cause of the disease. I ate healthy food and took care of my body. Because of this, I was so shocked at first by the diagnoses and asked myself why this happened. I asked my soul: “What is this supposed to show me?” “What am I allowed to discover about this?”
Carrying out several shamanic journeys and luminous body cleansing brought me closer to the issues and causes, allowed it to go in peace and activated my self-healing powers.
The check-up
After almost 6 months, it was time for the next appointment, blood test and check-up. I nervously went to the doctor and the usual followed. I had to wait 2 weeks for the results. “OK” I told myself “ mind hygiene, meditation and confidence in my body will help me through the period of waiting”.
Finally, the results were out. I called the doctor on 25th May. The hands damp. The mouth dry. The friendly medical assistant told me, that she had just been handed my results. Everything was ok. Every test was negative and normal. I cheered and she cheered with me.
Thank you
The end of the day was near and the last plan of my self-experiment was set:
Champagne, a bathtub full of fragrant warm water and a heart full of thankfulness.
To say THANK YOU to nature. She gave me everything I needed to heal.
To say THANK YOU to myself for my discipline and courage to dig into traumas and not -so-nice episodes in my life.
To say THANK YOU to my beloved husband who supported me and ate all the “green” food with me and joined me in the detox program
To say THANK YOU to my expert supervisors
To say THANK YOU to my friends in this and the other world who accompanied me on my soul journeys.
EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE! Be prepared for miracles!
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