Moving song of the soul - Interview

by | Mar 13, 2024 | 0 comments

Maria Die Stimme

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Maria Die Stimme

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In July 2023 Michaela Lechner from Steyr invited me for an interview on her ‘Health Awareness’ channel.

We talk about my path to soul singing, where it comes from and what it brings.

At the end you will find an audio sample from the Town church in Penzance, England.

What is the content of the ‘Moving Soul Song - Interview’?

The interview is about my personal musical career. Even as a child, I was fascinated by children's songs, poems, classical music and folk songs. Growing up in Bavaria, tradition played a major role. My path led me to the Mozarteum Salzburg, where I was lucky enough to meet a singing teacher with whom I was able to develop personally.

In my musical career I have conducted choirs, taught and sung as a soloist in various concerts.

For me, soul singing is a special and individual form of singing. This singing has become more and more important in recent years. It is now an integral part of my counselling sessions.

These uniquely sung notes express the story of each person in a musical way. This is accompanied by a sudden deep perception of the person I am singing for - an inner satisfaction spreads.

Listen to our interview.

At the end of the video, a singing rehearsal in a sacred building awaits you.

English subtitles

Click on ‘CC’ in the video and switch on the English subtitles. They are not automatically translated, but created by me.

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