In this Shamanic Medicine Wheel seminar you will learn how the medicine wheel works and how you can use it for yourself. As I am connected to Celtic shamanism, the seminar is based on the Celtic tradition of the medicine wheel.
Lass uns gemeinsam traditionelles chinesische Essen im Kochkurs - Chinesische Küche 05.04.25 zubereiten. Bring mehr Energie in Deinen Körper, Seele und Geist.
A journey to the ME with Ayurveda just for you alone. Let yourself be pampered and recharge your batteries. For more well-being of body, soul and spirit.
With the intensive Akashic Chronicle training you will learn to reconnect with the cosmos and nature, to better perceive yourself and your surroundings.
Every soul has its own special sound. I will take you on a sound journey to your inner self. Experience a completely different way of connecting with your soul.
Cooking and eating is so much more than just preparing and consuming food. Ancient wisdom teachings understand food as medicine and not just as a filler for the body.
MUNAY stands for unconditional or pure love. KI means power.
Munay-Ki are energetic transmissions that help us to heal wounds from the past, including karmic and genetic programmes and the limiting beliefs we have inherited.
They connect with your soul and help you to expand your higher consciousness.
Munay-Ki connect you with the ancestral lineage of healers, wisdom and earth keepers.
Seminar objective
Anstoß des Heilungsprozesses von Wunden aus der Vergangenheit
Activation of the self-healing powers
Löschung und Durchtrennung karmischer Programme und begrenzende Glaubenssätze
Erweiterung Deines höheren Bewusstseins
Verbindung zu Deiner Seele und zu Deinem höheren Selbst
Individual appointment
Soundroom, Nittenauer Str. 31, 93057 Regensburg alternativ: online
Connects you to the lineage of luminous energy healers to support you in your personal transformation and awaken your inner healing power. We access tremendous spiritual support. Ancient healers to help heal the wounds of our past and those of our ancestors.
Bands of power
Connects you to the lineage of luminous energy healers to support you in your personal transformation and awaken your inner healing power. We access tremendous spiritual support. Ancient healers to help heal the wounds of our past and those of our ancestors.
Bands of power
7 guardians are transformed into your flames (chakras). The connection to the snake, wolf, dragon, feathered people, guardians of the underworld (unconscious), middle world (waking state) and the upper world (superconscious) give you strength and strengthen the connection to the other world.
The Seer
Light pathways connect the visual cortex with the third eye and the heart chakra. A crown of light is woven that awakens your inner seer and your ability to perceive the invisible world of energy and spirit.
The Day Keeper
You connect with the lineage of the masters of healers from ancient times and the power places of the earth. They guide you into harmony and balance with Mother Earth at every sunrise. This rite helps you to heal your inner femininity, move beyond fear and practice peace.
The Wisdom keeper
You connect with the powerful energy of the mountains and the lineage of light beings from the past and the future. The rite helps you to heal your inner masculinity, step out of time and taste infinity.
The earth keeper
This rite connects you to the archangels who are guardians of our solar system and stewards of all life on earth. The rite lifts you out of your earth-bound existence and sets your spirit free to begin your journey to the stars and dream your world into being.
The star keeper
Your physical body is supported in this rite to develop into a homo luminos (luminous human being). The ageing process is slowed down and your DNA is regenerated. You become more resistant to disease. You take your seat around the sacred fire in the centre of the sun. A place that has been held for you since the beginning of time.
The creator
The creative light within you is awakened and makes you the guardian of all creation. From the smallest grain of sand to the largest cluster of galaxies. Once you discover that the Great Spirit is not just working through you, but AS YOU, and all of creation is happening within you, guardianship becomes natural.
Die Einweihungen erfolgen in 3 Abschnitten, mit jeweils 1 Tag.
Je nach dem persönlichen Entwicklungsprozess des Teilnehmers kann der Zeitraum zwischen den Abschnitten Tage, Wochen oder Monate sein. Es findet eine enge Abstimmung zwischen der Seminarleitung dem dem Teilnehmer statt.
Es sind keine Vorkenntnisse nötig!
Seminar venue
Die Übertragung der Munay-Ki ist online möglich. Die Voraussetzung zur Teilnahme ist ein internetfähiges Gerät mit Kamera und Mikrofon. Kurz vor dem festgesetzten Termin erhältst Du einen Link von Microsoft Teams
Bei der persönlichen Übertragung der Munay-Ki treffen wir uns in meinem Klangraum. Bei gutem Wetter und je nach Impuls gehen wir auch in die Natur zur Übertragung.
In this Shamanic Medicine Wheel seminar you will learn how the medicine wheel works and how you can use it for yourself. As I am connected to Celtic shamanism, the seminar is based on the Celtic tradition of the medicine wheel.
Lass uns gemeinsam traditionelles chinesische Essen im Kochkurs - Chinesische Küche 05.04.25 zubereiten. Bring mehr Energie in Deinen Körper, Seele und Geist.
A journey to the ME with Ayurveda just for you alone. Let yourself be pampered and recharge your batteries. For more well-being of body, soul and spirit.
With the intensive Akashic Chronicle training you will learn to reconnect with the cosmos and nature, to better perceive yourself and your surroundings.
Every soul has its own special sound. I will take you on a sound journey to your inner self. Experience a completely different way of connecting with your soul.
Cooking and eating is so much more than just preparing and consuming food. Ancient wisdom teachings understand food as medicine and not just as a filler for the body.
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