Themenkochtag Chinesische Küche 15.02.25

Themed cooking day Chinese cuisine 15.02.25

Come to my Chinese cuisine themed cooking day and let yourself be seduced by exotic flavours.
We prepare traditional Chinese food together according to the health aspects of Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine.


Saturday, 15 February 2025, 10 am - 2 pm


AMITA Kochstudio, Kulmbacher Str. 6, 93057 Regensburg


83,00 € per person

Why Chinese cuisine theme cookery day?

I have been learning the Chinese language for 3 years. Of course, language learning is not just about the language itself, but also about the culture and, for me, especially the food culture. I love Asian cuisine and because of my intolerances I can't go to a Chinese restaurant.

Fortunately, I have Chinese friends who are always giving me tips on real Chinese cuisine.

What can you expect on this cookery day?

Together we will prepare a Chinese menu. You can find more information about Chinese cuisine here in my BLOG ARTICLE.

India meets China, Ayurveda merges with traditional Chinese medicine.

We awaken the elements together in my cooking studio, travelling through the various Asian spices and experimenting with the ingredients, combined with Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese philosophy.

Let yourself be whisked away on a journey through the senses.

You will learn...

... get to know different cooking and preparation techniques from Chinese cuisine

... how to prepare a harmonious menu taking into account the 6 different flavours

... know the use of spices

... how to cook quickly and easily for better well-being

Your advantage

My courses take place exclusively in very small groups of up to 6 participants. This means that you are right in the middle of the action, can ask your questions and are not left out. Every participant is fully involved in the individual steps right from the start and everyone can try things out and discover their preferences.

Important notes

The AMITA cookery studio is small and cosy, and the number of participants is limited to 6 people.

If you suffer from food intolerances, have to follow a special diet or don't like certain foods, please let me know before the course.

Please bring an apron, something to write with and an appetite to the course.

Booking and cancellation

You can make a booking using the ‘Book a cookery day’ button or send me an e-mail using the contact form.

Your registration is only binding once the participation fee has been credited to my account.

Cancellations are free of charge up to 2 days before the course, after that 50% of the course fee will be retained unless the place is taken by another person.

Wintersonnenwende 21.12. – Die Geburt des Lichts

Winter solstice 21 Dec - The birth of light

At the winter solstice, the earth stands still for a brief moment. This energy gives us the opportunity to pause, look inwards and reflect on ourselves.

When is the winter solstice?

The winter solstice takes place in December in the northern hemisphere and in June in the southern hemisphere. The days vary from year to year between 20 and 22 December. This year (2024) we have the longest night of the year on 21 December.

Winter solstice and Christianity

Christianity adopted many customs and traditions from ancient tribes such as the Germanic tribes and Celts. This was the only way for the rulers of the time to assert their claim to power and convert the ‘heathens’ to the new faith.

The winter solstice was one of the most important festivals of the year for our ancestors. The sun god was also worshipped at this time in Ancient Rome. It symbolised the birth of light. The winter solstice was thus transformed into Christmas and the birth of light was transformed into the birth of Jesus Christ.

Winter solstice and its significance in the world

The winter solstice was and still is a special festival around the world.

Many monuments and ritual sites, such as the pyramids in Egypt, stone circles and the famous STONENEHNGE in England are exactly aligned with the sun at the winter solstice.

The Native Americans celebrated the winter solstice just like the tribes in Europe. In Asian countries, the winter solstice is also considered a time for celebration. In ancient China, there was a saying: ‘The winter solstice is just as important as the spring festival’.

What do nuts have to do with Christmas and the winter solstice?

Nuts are very popular at Christmas time. But where does this custom, which is not only found in our neighbourhoods, come from?

Nuts symbolise the feminine power of Mother Earth. In winter, life energy and vitality begin to decline. The nutrient content of nuts was particularly important in earlier times to get through the winter well. According to traditional Chinese medicine, nuts are important for strengthening the kidneys, heart and brain.

Peanuts, walnuts, chestnuts, hazelnuts and almonds are not only found on our Christmas plates, but nuts are also highly valued in China and other countries at this time of year.

What rituals are performed on the winter solstice?

The winter solstice marks the rebirth of light! It is the longest night of the year and gradually brings us back the light.

In the Celtic annual cycle the winter solstice symbolises a new beginning. Preparations and plans are now being made for the new year. It's about designing something new, letting go of the old and creating something new.

Welcoming the light and the new

With a ritual you can consciously invite the light and the new into your life:

  • decorate your home with fir branches, flowers, nuts etc., create an altar of light
  • think about which new ‘baby’ you would like to welcome into your life, place it symbolically on your altar
  • Open yourself to everything new that is waiting for you. Let your fears pass and hand them over to the darkest night of the year
  • The wreath symbolises the cycle of life and the annual cycle. Tie a wreath made of natural materials and consciously weave in light and beauty. You can also make a circle with stones. Decorate this stone circle with healing stones, apples, nuts, feathers etc.
  • welcome the light of the new sun on the morning of the solstice (singing, praying, yoga, Qi Gong...)
  • Go out into nature on the evening of the winter solstice, take a walk in the forest. Connect with nature and its creatures
  • Light a candle and support your intentions and mental intentions with incense. Dammar, mugwort, juniper, myrrh, mistletoe and frankincense are particularly suitable for this purpose
  • If you have the opportunity to make a ritual fire, light it with the intention of giving birth to something new. Burn everything old in the ritual fire and welcome the new

You can find more interesting information about the winter solstice in Wolf-Dieter Storl's blog article:

NEU – Reise zum ICH mit Ayurveda

NEU – Reise zum ICH mit Ayurveda

Sei bereit für Wunder

The journey to the ME with Ayurveda is something for you if...

  • You recognise an increased need for rest and the impulse to withdraw
  • You simply want to be looked after
  • You want to do something for yourself and your health
  • You are curious about new things
  • You want to change something in your life, but perhaps don't quite know how yet
  • You want to get to know yourself and your body better
  • You want to clear your mind and find more lightness in your life again
  • You are driven by questions and the meaning of your life
  • Du körperliche Beschwerden hast und auf herkömmlichen Weg nicht mehr weiterkommst
  • Your mood becomes increasingly cloudy and you have the feeling of burning out
  • a feeling of hopelessness and helplessness prevents you from sleeping
  • Panic attacks tear you from your sleep at night
  • You are chronically tired and exhausted
  • You feel drained of energy, mentally sluggish and listless

Scope of travel and compensation

3 days - Get to know

750,00 €

incl. ayurvedic full board = breakfast/lunch and dinner/drinks
at least 1 Ayurvedic full body massage*
Individuelle Auswahl aus den Bereichen energy medicine, Energy kitchen and Qi Gong
Übernachtung nach Absprache (15 €/Nacht)

5 days - built up

1.100,00 €

incl. ayurvedic full board = breakfast/lunch and dinner/drinks
at least 1 Ayurvedic full body massage*
1 ayurvedische Fußmassage*
Dein ganz persönlicher Seelengesang
Individuelle Auswahl aus den Bereichen energy medicine, Energy kitchen and Qi Gong
Übernachtung nach Absprache (15 €/Nacht)

10 days - Intensive

1.850,00 €

incl. ayurvedic full board = breakfast/lunch and dinner/drinks
at least 2 Ayurvedic full body massages*
Dein ganz persönlicher Seelengesang + CD Mutter Erde
Individuelle Auswahl aus den Bereichen energy medicine, Energy kitchen and Qi Gong
Übernachtung nach Absprache (15 €/Nacht)

* Es geht um Individualität und Deine Bedürfnisse! Aus diesem Grund kann sich an der Anzahl der Massagen und der Zusammenstellung noch etwas ändern.

What can you expect?

Intensive support

It's all about you. During the days you are in a 1-to-1 exchange with me. The days are individually tailored to you and your needs.

Ayurveda full board

Ayurvedic food awaits you, customised according to your constitution, needs and situation. During the Journey to the ME, the catering is vegetarian or vegan.

Ayurveda Beratung

Get to know the basic principles of Ayurveda, the effect of spices on your body and your personal constitution.

Qi Gong

Your very special movement and meditation plan will accompany you through the days and the journey to the ME. Together we will discuss the possibilities and the personal benefits for you.

energy medicine

I use energy medicine ‘tools’ to support you on your journey to the ME. The situation will show us whether soul singing, shamanic energy medicine, Akashic Records or Munay AI are necessary.

Ayurveda massage

My Ayurveda partner Doris Prause will pamper you with Ayurvedic full-body oil massages at my place. You can simply let yourself be pampered. The number depends on the duration of your stay and your needs.


We will work together to shape your journey to the ME according to your goal and your needs. YOU are at the centre. It's all about YOU.

Travelling companion

I will accompany you with my expertise, experience and empathy on your journey to becoming yourself. You can be yourself and let yourself be cared for.


Die Inhalte werden ganz individuell festgelegt. Die Endauswahl der Inhalte wird beim Erstgespräch gemeinsam getroffen.

Your profit

  • More well-being for body/soul/mind
  • Better body awareness
  • Learning to listen to your inner voice
  • Recharge your batteries
  • Sich selbst besser kennenlernen und verstehen
  • Find your inner balance
  • Learning to let go
  • Listen to the music of your soul
  • Let your inner light shine
  • Relaxation and being looked after
  • Find answers to your questions
  • Activating the self-healing powers
  • Helping people to help themselves

Das Sagen Reisende zu der Reise Zum ICH mit Ayurveda

Journey process

You start your journey to the ME with an Ayurvedic welcome breakfast.

During the initial consultation, you determine your ‘travel’ goals, what exactly it is about and what you want to take away from this journey.

The following sessions, Qi Gong, Ayurveda counselling, energy medicine etc. are individually tailored to you and your situation.

During your stay, a special energetic space will be created to help us on our journey.

Travel destination and Ayurveda cuisine

A loving and highly energised area awaits you.

You have the opportunity to go out into nature, sit on the balcony or in the reading room and let the experience sink in. A well-stocked library will support you on your journey.

If you decide to stay overnight, you will have your own sleeping area with your own toilet and bath/shower.

The Ayurveda kitchen will provide you with a personalised breakfast, lunch and dinner. Seasonal Ayurvedic drinks support you in your processes.

NEU – Reise zum ICH mit Ayurveda

Journey to the ME with Ayurveda

Sei bereit für Wunder

The journey to the ME with Ayurveda is something for you if...

  • You recognise an increased need for rest and the impulse to withdraw
  • You simply want to be looked after
  • You want to do something for yourself and your health
  • You are curious about new things
  • You want to change something in your life, but perhaps don't quite know how yet
  • You want to get to know yourself and your body better
  • You want to clear your mind and find more lightness in your life again
  • You are driven by questions and the meaning of your life
  • Du körperliche Beschwerden hast und auf herkömmlichen Weg nicht mehr weiterkommst
  • Your mood becomes increasingly cloudy and you have the feeling of burning out
  • a feeling of hopelessness and helplessness prevents you from sleeping
  • Panic attacks tear you from your sleep at night
  • You are chronically tired and exhausted
  • You feel drained of energy, mentally sluggish and listless

Scope of travel and compensation

3 days - Get to know

750,00 €

incl. ayurvedic full board = breakfast/lunch and dinner/drinks
at least 1 Ayurvedic full body massage*
Individuelle Auswahl aus den Bereichen energy medicine, Energy kitchen and Qi Gong
Übernachtung nach Absprache (15 €/Nacht)

5 days - built up

1.100,00 €

incl. ayurvedic full board = breakfast/lunch and dinner/drinks
at least 1 Ayurvedic full body massage*
1 ayurvedische Fußmassage*
Dein ganz persönlicher Seelengesang
Individuelle Auswahl aus den Bereichen energy medicine, Energy kitchen and Qi Gong
Übernachtung nach Absprache (15 €/Nacht)

10 days - Intensive

1.850,00 €

incl. ayurvedic full board = breakfast/lunch and dinner/drinks
at least 2 Ayurvedic full body massages*
Dein ganz persönlicher Seelengesang + CD Mutter Erde
Individuelle Auswahl aus den Bereichen energy medicine, Energy kitchen and Qi Gong
Übernachtung nach Absprache (15 €/Nacht)

* Es geht um Individualität und Deine Bedürfnisse! Aus diesem Grund kann sich an der Anzahl der Massagen und der Zusammenstellung noch etwas ändern.

What can you expect?

Intensive support

It's all about you. During the days you are in a 1-to-1 exchange with me. The days are individually tailored to you and your needs.

Ayurveda full board

Ayurvedic food awaits you, customised according to your constitution, needs and situation. During the Journey to the ME, the catering is vegetarian or vegan.

Ayurveda Beratung

Get to know the basic principles of Ayurveda, the effect of spices on your body and your personal constitution.

Qi Gong

Your very special movement and meditation plan will accompany you through the days and the journey to the ME. Together we will discuss the possibilities and the personal benefits for you.

energy medicine

I use energy medicine ‘tools’ to support you on your journey to the ME. The situation will show us whether soul singing, shamanic energy medicine, Akashic Records or Munay AI are necessary.

Ayurveda massage

My Ayurveda partner Doris Prause will pamper you with Ayurvedic full-body oil massages at my place. You can simply let yourself be pampered. The number depends on the duration of your stay and your needs.


We will work together to shape your journey to the ME according to your goal and your needs. YOU are at the centre. It's all about YOU.

Travelling companion

I will accompany you with my expertise, experience and empathy on your journey to becoming yourself. You can be yourself and let yourself be cared for.


Die Inhalte werden ganz individuell festgelegt. Die Endauswahl der Inhalte wird beim Erstgespräch gemeinsam getroffen.

Your profit

  • More well-being for body/soul/mind
  • Better body awareness
  • Learning to listen to your inner voice
  • Recharge your batteries
  • Sich selbst besser kennenlernen und verstehen
  • Find your inner balance
  • Learning to let go
  • Listen to the music of your soul
  • Let your inner light shine
  • Relaxation and being looked after
  • Find answers to your questions
  • Activating the self-healing powers
  • Helping people to help themselves

Das Sagen Reisende zu der Reise Zum ICH mit Ayurveda

Journey process

You start your journey to the ME with an Ayurvedic welcome breakfast.

During the initial consultation, you determine your ‘travel’ goals, what exactly it is about and what you want to take away from this journey.

The following sessions, Qi Gong, Ayurveda counselling, energy medicine etc. are individually tailored to you and your situation.

During your stay, a special energetic space will be created to help us on our journey.

Travel destination and Ayurveda cuisine

A loving and highly energised area awaits you.

You have the opportunity to go out into nature, sit on the balcony or in the reading room and let the experience sink in. A well-stocked library will support you on your journey.

If you decide to stay overnight, you will have your own sleeping area with your own toilet and bath/shower.

The Ayurveda kitchen will provide you with a personalised breakfast, lunch and dinner. Seasonal Ayurvedic drinks support you in your processes.

Intensivausbildung Akasha-Chronik

Intensive training Akashic Records

What do you achieve with the intensive Akashic Records training?

  • Reconnect with yourself, nature and the universe
  • Activation of the self-healing powers
  • Releasing healing blockages
  • Dissolution of old programming and beliefs
  • Reading for yourself and other living beings in the Akashic Records

What is the Akashic Records?

The ability to connect with the Otherworld, the Akashic Records and the universe has been lost over the centuries.

We are woven into the great web of the world, everything is connected to EVERYTHING. This web (wyrd) is connected to fields that can be read. These include, for example, the Akashic Records, morphic fields, ancestral fields, etc.

The Akashic Records are also known as the universal world memory or the book of life. The anthroposophist, seer and philosopher Rudolf Steiner popularised the Akashic Records in our region at the beginning of the 20th century.

Thoughts, information, feelings, energies and events are stored in the Book of Life, the universal field, the divine field of EVERYTHING that IS, which we can ‘read’. Time, place and dimension play no role in this.


Individual appointment


2 days


Soundroom, Nittenauer Str. 31, 93057 Regensburg
alternativ: online


Soundroom: 933,00 € p. Person
online: 889,00 € p. Person

Training instructor

Maria Käser-Aunkofer

Seminar content

  • Further development of your intuitive skills
  • Increasing the vibration of the luminous body
  • Personal development
  • Release energetic shackles and blockages
  • Strengthening your own perception
  • Find answers to your questions, in every area
  • Communication with your soul, with animals and plants
  • Read the Akashic Records for yourself and other beings

Procedure and realisation

On two consecutive days of 6 hours each, you will learn how to read the Akashic Records and how to read the field of the universe.

The course takes place online or in my sound room only with you.

You will receive information material by e-mail before the course starts.

On the 2nd day you will have the opportunity to apply what you have learnt live with clients from my network.

Seminar venue


Training is possible online. The prerequisite for participation is an internet-enabled device with a camera and microphone. You will receive a link from Microsoft Teams shortly before the scheduled date.


  • Stable Internet access
  • Camera and microphone
  • Skype or Microsoft Teams
  • A space where you can be all to yourself
  • Rest! No work or distractions between, before or after training sessions
  • Keinen Alkohol, Drogen oder Medikamten, die das Bewusstsein trüben, zu Dir nehmen

Sound room and catering

If you decide to take the course on site in Regensburg, you can expect a loving and highly energised area.

During the breaks you have the opportunity to sit on the balcony if the weather is nice, take a short walk in the park or simply relax in our reading room.

As the body has a lot to do in this type of work, it is important to take good care of it.

Drinks and lunch are provided and are included in the price. On the 2nd day, we will prepare the meal together and use the newly learnt skills straight away.